Wellington Warriors Football Club provides men over the age of thirty five the opportunity to continue to play football in a genuine family friendly environment.
Established in 2009 to provide a safe fun environment for local people who were passionate about football, family and wanted to play for fun.
The club is now in its tenth year of the Victorian Country Masters Football League (VCMFL) and has developed into a strong social network for middle aged men and their families.
The Warriors pride themselves on being an advocate for men’s health (both physical and mental) and connecting families through the enjoyment of exercise and socialising. The club is not simply a football team but more a network of support within our local community!
Games are played fortnightly over ten rounds. Training takes place on Wednesday nights at 6.00pm at the Nambrok Recreational Reserve. Home games are played at Nambrok, Sale and Maffra. A bus is provide for all away games.
So if you are interested in reviving your football career or considering playing football for the first time or just want to stay fit and meet new friends. Then further information can be obtained by contacting the club at wellingtonwarriors@mail.com
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