Please go to where our new and current website can now be found.
ALL ON BOARD for 2016.
The Dunnstown Football Netball Club is a vibrant, family-based club in the Central Highlands Football League. New Players, supporters and parents are most welcome in 2016.
Advertising Opportunity with the Dunnstown Football Club.. Great Sponsorship packages are available – if you’d like the opportunity to advertise on our fantastic Electronic Scoreboard contact Mal for details.
Would your Employer like to improve their Marketing opportunities? The Dunnstown Football Netball Club has a great opportunity for Businesses (or individuals) to Advertise on Electronic Scoreboard. This would reach a wide variety of potential clients. Different options available for Advertising. Lots of exposure to a large audience each week. See Mal for further information.
Club clothing is available from Alan Pickersgill. Please see him to place an order and peruse what is on offer.
Would your Employer like to improve their Marketing opportunities?
The Dunnstown Football Netball Club has a great opportunity for Businesses (or individuals) to Advertise to reach a wide variety of potential clients. The Central Highlands Football League incorporates 4 different Shires so covers a vast area.
See Brochure Attached as pdf. at the end of this webpage that shows an example of what sort of Advertising is available. This would give your business lots of exposure and give greater awareness of your business to a large audience each week.
There are many OPTIONS available:
Please phone Keith Morrow 0400 986 248 (Sponsorship co-ordinator) for costs and further clarification. Negotiable costs for Multiple Ads.
Email Contact: