Winter Sport Info

WEEKLY Winter Sport.

The following sports will be offered for the Winter season - term two.
     NETBALL - MIXED  (#) 
     TENNIS (Hot Shot) - GIRLS 
     TENNIS (Hot Shot) - BOYS/MIXED 

Where possible the B.D.S. Premiers will participate in the Division, Region and SSV competitions conducted during term three.  Please note the complexity of the playing rules increase noticeably when participating in Division, Regional or SSV activities.  BDS staff must familiarise themselves and their players with the additional SSV rules prior to the next level (Division) play off.  Refer to SSV web site. 

(#) BDS Premiership teams do not proceed to Division > Region > SSV play-off.

All staff and parents involved in the BDS Inter-School Sport program are required to attend BDS Sport Forum.  The BDS Forum is a professional development and sharing session conducted prior to the commencement of each Sport program.  Links to specific rules for each sport can be found on BDS web site and should be read in conjunction with the SSV & BDS Code of Conduct.  Each school is expected to provide at least one staff member per sport area. If a staff member cannot be provided for a particular sport - it is expected that the school will provide an appropriate school council endorsed adult.   This is essential to meet the legal requirements inherent in these sporting activities.  Each school is expected to provide an umpire/referee in each of the sport areas listed above.  Qualified parents or volunteers can assist in this area.  Rules for all games are reviewed before the start of each season by the BDS committee.   BDS Committee members have a responsibility to ensure their staff are familiar with their respective sport, rules and are ready to umpire / referee their games.

SOCCER  2020
There has been a change to SSV Football (Soccer) rules.   SSV have adopted 9v9 format

After much consideration, BDS has elected to not change our current format 11v11 during our District competition.   NOTE: BDS premiership teams progressing to Beachside Division will need to take time to prepare their teams for 9v9 at the next level and beyond
SAFETY -  POST  PADDING  (2008)  It is expected that all BDS schools will supply padding on all netball posts. School share responsibility for providing padding for football posts.  Each school is required to supply 1x set  padding = 4x   Note:  Failure to supply padding will result in cancellation of the game and school who failed to supply the necessary padding shall forfeit all points

The fixture is to be published at the beginning of the school year so as to provide advance notice to schools, under the expectation that schools will avoid activities that would conflict with the BDS Sport program. 
NOTE  BDS REGULATION:    Schools who withdraw from these agreed dates / activities shall forfeit all points.   Please ensure your School Administration is aware of this regulation, as the consequences of schools double booking on  a BDS Sports days could cost teams a place in the finals. All Winter sport venues (home/away and finals) are to be booked via individual schools.  Individual schools are to approach to the local councils as soon as the fixture is endorsed by the committee.  Winter game times:  11.30am - 1.00pm  Travel arrangements are to be coordinated to provide for one and a half hours of activities / games. Schools as identified on the fixture are to contact each other one week prior to the given round.  Schools will need to identify the following:
*  game times  (esp football)
*  travel (arrival / departure times, does the `host' school require a `lift')
*  venues  (any off-site venues)
*  confirm first-aid, and mobile phone supplied
     *  any children with 'special needs'

These details are best emailed to the schools early in the week and should be shared with all staff, therefore reducing any chance of confusion in the shuttles pick-up etc..
`Host Schools' are responsible for setting up their playing venues so they are ready for a prompt start to the Sport Program.
'Host Schools' must provide a mobile phone and comprehensive first-aid kit for all off-site venues
In the case of any incident or injury all details must be communicated to the relevant teachers / coach / parent
Forfeit or shared points: when a team or school is very late or unable to attend scheduled match
    On most occasions, where there’s no fault or error, points will be shared. e.g. wash out, bus company error
Where there is a clear error by School (creates clash) or Coordinator error, a forfeit may be appropriate.
The School Sport Victoria Code of Behaviour applies to all players, parents, spectators, coaches etc. participating in, travelling to, or attending any Bentleigh District activity. 

Breach of Code by students, staff, spectators etc..
*  Any breaches of the 'Code of Behaviour' should be clearly identified and communicated to the supervising teacher as soon as possible and passed on to the District Coordinator immediately.

*  SSV rule: - teams / individuals not abiding by the Code of Behaviour may be suspended or disqualified for breaches of the Code of Behaviour, after consultation with District Coordinator.

*  Weekly Sport -
A detailed explanation of the breach of the code must be emailed to the District Coordinator within 24hrs.  The District Coordinator will record and collate all breaches of the code. 
Initial breach of the code would generally require a verbal warning from the supervising teacher / adult.
Repeated breaches of the code warrant the student / team being suspended.
A serious offence may warrant immediate removal from the game and or suspension from the following match / matches.

* It is expected that the school connected to the player / person breaching the Code of Conduct, will deal with the matter promptly, in accordance with their discipline policy and ensure the issue is resolved in a manner to ensure there are no further breaches of the 'Code'. 

*  BDS may need to be involved if there is a concern that action has not been taken at a school level or there appears to be a pattern of repeated breaches of the 'Code' that interfere with the enjoyment or safety of others.

DRAWN  GAMES 'Home & Away':  If `home & away' match is draw after regular time - No extra time is played. 

All children should be directed to drink water regularly throughout the sport session.

Scoring should be performed by an adult.  It is the responsibility of both schools to score the match.  Staff should check scores regularly during the game. If both staff in attendance, staff must confer and confirm scores.  Any differential must be negotiated immediately.    If at the end of regular time the scored is agreed to be a draw, no extra time is played.  The drawn score should be passed on in detail.  It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM to email the results to the District Secretary on the form provided.   This should be performed each Thursday before lunch = 1.00pm  A blank results proforma is attached at the bottom of this web page.
NOTE:  As of February 2003 all sports have `Mercy Rules'.  Its' application and implementation will vary according to the various sporting activities.  The supervising referee / umpire should activate the `mercy rule'.  The trailing coach should request application of the `mercy rule' if not it is not automatically applied by the umpire / referee; however scores and play cannot be revised. The `Mercy Rule' is applied and removed as required, depending on the scores.

*  Weekly sport scores stand and the result accepted if 3/4 (time / innings) of game has been completed. 
*  If less than 3/4 completed, game may be rescheduled (if possible) or points shared by mutal agreement
* Where 2 of the 3 matches are cancelled due to poor weather, all points are shared for all matches
    The 3rd match may be played however no points are allocated for this match
* Wet weather finals - See below

If weather conditions force the cancellation of the finals series part-way through.
1- If first round is not completed -
     First team on the ladder will be declared the BDS Premiers & where appropriate proceed to Division play-off
2 – If second round is not completed –
      Highest ranked winning (round one) team will be declared the BDS Premiers & where appropriate proceed to
     Division play-off

The following player qualification applies to the BDS home / away rounds & BDS finals.. 
                *  girls only.   No boys are permitted to play in the girls stream
                *  mixed/boys teams may be all boys or have representative from both genders
                *  Schools may have an all girls team playing in the Bentleigh District boys/mixed stream,
                    however an all girls team CANNOT progress to the next SSV level (Division)
                *  Players cannot 'move' from one sport area to another after round two of the Winter fixture.

If schools have insufficient players
*  to field a full team during the 'home & away' rounds, they must make prior contact and organise player-swaps, as required to maintain a quality sport experience for all.
*  to field a full team during the finals, they must make prior contact and consult with all the schools participating in the finals and the District Coordinator to negotiate a resolution.  
*  Due to the nature of the
inter-school sport program year four children are not permitted to play in any 'contact games' within the Winter Inter-School program.

Any protests or queries must be lodged immediately, before the conclusion of the activity and if necessary, information emailed to the District Coordinator as soon as possible, within 24 hours.

The District Coordinator will publish the final ladder as soon as possible, after all data has been received and confirmed.
The following format is used to construct the final ladder.
                     2 points = win 
                     1 point = draw
                     0 point = loss
Ranking of teams:
                     1 - Points win / loss if equal on points
                     2 - Head to Head if still equal on points 
                     3- Results (winner / winning margin) when teams played highest placed team

Drawn finals:
  If match is drawn after regular time the team highest on the ladder is deemed to be the winner.  No extra time is played, no penalty shoot-out.  The team most senior on the ladder will progress to the next level.  If there is a draw in the grand final, both teams shall be declared winners and the most `senior' on the ladder will proceed through to the SSV Division play-off.  Pennants will be provided for both teams.
Wet weather - part way through the finals program.  If we encounter wet weather mid way through any finals - Refer FINALS WEATHER  POLICY above.
Winter Sport finals (1 v 4 & 2 v 3) will determine the BDS premiers. Semi finals, consolation finals and grand finals will be conducted in each sport on the same day . Further details will be discussed and determined by the BDS Administrative Committee.
Where possible the BDS Premiers will participate in the Division, Region and SSV competitions conducted during term three.  Please note the complexity of the playing rules increases noticeably when participating in Division, Regional or SSV activities. BDS Staff must familiarise themselves and their students with these new rules.  Refer to SSV web site.  Participating schools should regularly check the BDS & SSV websites for updates and fixture details. 

(*) Please note:   BDS Sof-crosse & Netball Mixed B Premiers do NOT proceed beyond district.