Getting Started

All player registrations are online only. Paper registration forms will NOT be accepted.

Each player will be registered to the Association. Clubs will submit their team registration forms to the Registrar before the March ACM, who will then add players to Club rosters.

Please follow the instructions given by your Club registrar as to how they want registrations paid for.

2024 HCCF Registrations Fees

Junior Player $190 (aged between 14 and 17 yrs as at 1st April 2024)
Senior Player $240

Players Transferring from other clubs

You will need to register with your previous club. Once you have registered online, please speak to your team organiser who will organise your transfer to your new club.

Player Registration Forms

Existing Players (Players who have participated in HCCF competitions since 2015) - Register HERE

New Players (Players who haven't played since 2015 or have never participated in HCCF competitions) - Register HERE

Registrations for 2024 are currently CLOSED