Forms & Nominations

BDS  Athletics Entry via excel template issued by District Coordinator
Program / schedule can be found at the bottom of Athletics web page

BDS  Cross-Country Entry via excel template issued by District Coordinator
    Program / schedule can be found at the bottom of
Cross-Country web page

BDS  Permission to be photographed / photos on the web
    Refer to attachment at the bottom of
 General Information page

BDS Swimming Entry via template issued by District Coordinator
    Program / schedule can be found at the bottom of
Swimming web page

BDS Summer Inter-School Sport Results Form
    Form for Sport Coordinators to complete & forward weekly Summer Sport results
    Attachment can be found on the
Summer Sport web page

BDS Winter Inter-School Sport Results Form
    Form for Sport Coordinators to complete and forward weekly Winter Sport results 
Attachment can be found on the Winter Sport web page

*  Beachside Division Cross-Country Entry via template issued by District Coordinator
Refer to SSV web site for more information

All School  Sport  Victoria  State Team  Nominations  are  now  done  online
    Nominations for Netball, Basketball, Soccer & AFL - Contact your school

    Refer to the School Sport Victoria web site for more nomination information for all other sports

*  School Sport Victoria web site > Competition Rules: Highly recommended reading for all staff involved in BDS Sport.  Compulsory reading for all BDS Premiership teams participating in District > Division > Region playoff. 

*  Division Summer / Winter Team Play-off Registration Form
    Schools and staff participating in the Beachside Division Team play-offs need to contact
the Beachside Division Officer - Debby Wall   C/-  Ph  0419 384 366