Due to the Federal Government's Privacy Legislation, neither the GFL nor the clubs are permitted to rollover players already on the database for the 2020 season. Instead players or in the case of juniors, a parent/guardian, are required to login to Sporting Pulse and self register.
The registration form for each of the six GFL clubs can be accessed by clicking on the relevant links below:
New players can simply go to the appropriate link above to register. Please note that you will be required to produce documentary evidence to the club (Driver's Licence or birth certificate showing full name and DOB) before the registration can be finalised.
Existing players will need a username and password to access your record and update the registration. If you have not received an email from the Club you need to contact whoever is looking after player registrations at your club for the login details.
Players who are seeking a clearance to a GFL club will not be able to register until after the clearance has been finalised. Clearances are now open until June 30th.