2019 Season Review
Hunter Christian Churches Football Association - 2019 Season Wrap Up
On behalf of management a huge thank you to all players, managers, officials and supporters for making the 2019 season another great one for Hunter Christian Churches Football. Thank you for the way in which you turned up each week and played in the true spirit of Christian Football. Apart from a few washouts and a somewhat windy grand final day we were blessed with fine weather. Thank you to the leadership groups from each club in organising your teams. We pray that you and your players and Churches were blessed by your participation.
Congratulations to the Premiers and Champions from each division and to our Club Champions New Vine Maryland (Major) and Grace Evangelical (Minor). Congratulations also to Joshua Bathgate from Islington Div 3 on winning the Roy and Helen Fitzsimmons award for the best and fairest player in the whole competition throughout 2019 as voted on each week by opposition captains .
Thanks to our great referees for their contributions in seeing games played out as smoothly as possible .Thanks also to the Referees Standing committee in organising the men/women in the middle. A special mention of thanks and appreciation to Steve Cosgrove who is now stepping down as President of the Referees Standing Committee.
Our Grounds Officer, Keith Smith has yet again kept our fields always in great condition and ready for play; thank you Keith for the hours you selflessly put in over the winter.
To our representatives in the NSW Country Men’s and Women’s teams we wish you all the best for the upcoming Nationals at Brisbane.
Also just a note that our Div1,Div 2 and Div 3 Premiers are booked in to play their counterparts from Central Coast on Saturday 28th September at Speers Point in an attempt to retain the HCCF /Central Coast (Iuliano Campbell)Challenge Shield. Div 3 kicks off at 1pm;Div2 at 3pm and Div 1 at 5pm
End of Year Survey
This year we have again put together an online survey that we would like all clubs to complete. It provides you with an opportunity to provide feedback on how your season has gone and where you consider improvements can be made. We would really value your clubs constructive comments whether they be positive or negative; it all helps us fine tune the running of the association as we prepare for the 2020 season. Could you kindly respond as soon as possible? Please follow the link to https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/D39CQ9N
We will also be putting an individual player survey out shortly.
Finally a huge thanks to our management committee who put in countless hours of their time and energy week after week to make our competition the absolute best. Your passion for the ministry of HCCF is so evident and I have been blessed to lead such a committed team over the past 5 years. It is therefore with some sadness that I am signing off as President at next year’s AGM as I plan to be overseas for much of the 2020 season.
Please continue to keep HCCF in your prayers as we seek to bring honour to God through the ministry of football.
Tim Mackenzie
President – Hunter Christian Churches Football Association Inc
PS If you come across Churches, players or referees not involved with HCCF please encourage them to consider getting involved in 2020 in what is shaping up as be an even bigger and brighter season. The best initial formal contact for them is through the Secretary but anyone on management would absolutely love to talk to them.
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