
  • Play by the rules
  • Never argue with an official. If you disagree, have your coach approach the referee during a break or after the game in an appropriate manner
  • Control your emotions. Verbal abuse, derogatory language based on race, gender or impairment or deliberately provoking an opponent is not acceptable behaviour.  
  • Be a good sport. Be prepared to work equally hard for yourself and the team. Your team’s performance will benefit, so will you!
  • Co-operate with your coach, team mates and officials.  Respect your coach both at the game and during training.  Don’t be disruptive.
  • Play for the “fun of it”. Remember it is a team sport- There is no “I” in “TEAM”
  • Be prepared to lose sometimes. In every game there must be a winner and a loser. Accept that sometimes you must be on the losing team. Be a fair winner and a good loser
  • Advise your coach or team manager if you are unable to attend the game or training
  • Remember that you are representing St.Thomas’ Basketball Club and what it stands for. It is a team sport and you make a commitment to others when you join a team!
  • Be respectful of the training venue and supervisor.

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