Individual Coaching Policy and Info


NSBA Approved 

“Individual” Coaches 


Why is NSBA introducing approval for Coaches that conduct individual/small group sessions 

There is a growing number of NSBA members (particularly juniors) seeking to improve their skills through doing sessions with a coach and many of them are done at NSISC.  NSBA wants to ensure: 

  • parents (and the athletes) get value for money 

  • the sessions are safe for the athlete 

  • athletes are taught appropriate and contemporary skills 


NSBA has also received complaints from time to time from parents where a scheduled individual session could not be conducted because no court was available.  By giving approved coaches a preferential rate for booking a court, we hope to ensure that parents are not inconvenienced where courts are not available. 


What does an NSBA approved coach receive? 

Once approved, an NSBA coach can: 

  • book a half court at a rate of $22 per hour (including GST)  

  • may book courts more than 7 days in advance 

  • have their details included on our website, which is where we direct inquiries from members about finding a coach to do individual sessions 

  • book courts at times not available for general public bookings (eg 6.45am – 9am).  This may not be available every day of the week.  Please note, court bookings are done by contacting our facilities manager or the CSO at the front desk.  Courts are not booked by contacting Development staff 

  • discuss with NSBA development staff the specific development needs of athletes they are coaching 


What does an NSBA approved coach have to do: 

To gain approval from NSBA, a coach must: 

  • sign, and abide by, the Approved Coach Agreement Form (attached) 

  • attend at least two NSBA coaching clinic each yea 

  • where the coach is coaching NSBA representative players, incorporate any direction from NSBA Development staff on the identified development needs of the athlete 

  • be assessed as competent by NSBA, which will include observation of at least two sessions conducted by the coach.  In making the assessment consideration will be given to: 

  • planning of the session 

  • meeting the development needs of the athlete 

  • the tempo at which the session is conducted 


NSBA’s assessment is only to determine if the coach meets a minimum standard to develop the skills of individual athletes.  There will be a variance between the standard of coaches that have NSBA approval. 


The assessment will be carried out by NSBA by coaches with national and/or international experience in the individual development of athletes 


What if a coach is not NSBA approved? 

A coach that does not have NSBA approval may still conduct individual sessions at the NSISC, subject to court availability.  However, a non-approved coach must pay for the court at the publicly available rate, can only book courts up to 7 days in advance and can only book courts in times that the courts are open to the general public. 


Athletes may “shoot-a-round” at a cost of $5, and NSBA Junior Rep players may do so at no cost.  However, where it is apparent that athletes are being coached, this rate does not apply and the coach will be required to book the court. 

Any coach seeking to be an NSBA Apporvied individual coach must fill in this document and email it to NSBA Director of Coaching Tom Garlepp.