General Information

Organisation  of  Inter-School  Sport


As of 2011, our new title will be SSV - BENTLEIGH DISTRICT SCHOOLS. 
Winners from Region proceed to SCHOOL  SPORT  VICTORIA State Championships.  
For more information - please contact School Sport Victoria.

Summer, Winter fixtures and the annual Bentleigh District calendar of events will be negotiated and established in the preceding October / November. Details will be published to all schools so that they can avoid clashes with the BDS program.  The fixture will be ratified in December, after which the following regulation will take affect.

"Schools who withdraw from these agreed dates / activities shall forfeit all points."  
Please ensure your School Administration is aware of this regulation, as the consequences of
schools double booking ona BDS Sports days could cost teams a place in the finals. 

*  Both Summer & Winter sport matches are played on Thursdays:  11.30 - 1.00pm

First named schools on the fixture are to contact their opposition before their match to   
gotiate:  venues, match times, referee/umpire situation, transport, staffing, and parent help.

Host schools are to ensure a first-aid kit, post-padding (where appropriate) & mobile phone are available at school and all off-site venues.

*  Schools should confer and ensure agreement win /loss and score at the conclusion of each match.

It is the responsibility of the HOME team to email all results to the District Coordinator.  
    Results must be sent each Friday before 1pm.
    Sport Coordinators - please use the Summer / Winter Results proforma available on the BDS web site.

*  Coaches and supervising staff must be familiar with the BDS rules and S.S.V policies. 

*  SSV Code of Behaviour applies to all students, staff, coaches, spectators participating in,
    and attending BDS activities.  Teams,/ individuals may be suspended or disqualified for
    breaches of the Code of Conduct.  Refer below for more details

*  Mixed Teams:  In accordance with SSV rules the following applies......
    Girls team must be all girls
    Boys / Mixed team must be made up of a minimum of one Boy, who is on the field of play for the
   entire duration of the game.
   A team that cannot field a mininum of one boy in every game does not meet the SSV competition
   rules.  They will be ineligible to receive points & cannot progress to the next level.
  An all girls team participating in the Boys / Mixed section cannot proceed beyond District level.

Forfeit or shared points: when a team or school is very late or unable to attend scheduled match
    On most occasions, where there’s no fault or error, points will be shared. e.g. wash out, bus company error
Where there is a clear error by School (creates clash) or Coordinator error, a forfeit may be appropriate.

*  Dress requirements are set out in the 'SSV Conditions of Competition' for each sport.
    Where possible, students should wear their school sport uniform

*  Students participate in all SSV programs at their own risk. 
    Families are responsible for their own personal injury /  accident insurance. 
    It is recommended that all students have ambulance cover.

Wet  Weather  Policy

*  Scores stand and the result will be accepted if 3/4  (time / innings) of the game has been completed. 

If less that 3/4 completed, the game may be rescheduled or points shared by mutual agreement.

*  Where 2 of the 3 matches are cancelled due to poor weather, all points are shared for all matches
    The 3rd match may be played however no points are allocated for this match

* Wet weather finals - See below

School Sport  Victoria  Activities    
*  School Sport Victoria conducts a wide range of activities for schools, teams and individuals.
*  Information can be found on the SSV web site.  Refer to link on right-hand side.
*  Schools, teams and individuals electing to participate in SSV activities need to adhere to Bentleigh District timelines, procedures, protocols  and will require endorsement from the SSV Bentleigh District Coordinator.
*  Nominations for all state teams are done via the SSV web site. Refer to link on the right-hand side.
*  Nominations for Cricket, Netball, Basketball, AFL, and Football (Soccer) must have approval by the school prior to completing online registration.  All other U12 SSV State Team nominations are done directly via the SSV web site

Code of Behaviour
The BDS has adopted the Code of Behaviour for players, parents, spectators, coaches and media as developed by the S.S.V.  Any breaches of the 'Code of Behaviour' should be clearly identified and communicated to the supervising teacher as soon as possible and passed on to the District Coordinator

Breach of Code by students, staff, spectators etc..
SSV rule: - teams / individuals not abiding by the Code of Behaviou may be suspended or disqualified for breaches of the Code of Behaviour, after consultation with District Coordinator.

*  Weekly Sport -
A detailed explanation of the breach of the code must be emailed to the District Coordinator within 24hrs.  The District Coordinator will record and collate all breaches of the code.  Initial breach of the code would generally require a verbal warning from the supervising teacher / adult.
Repeated breaches of the code warrant the student / team being suspended.
  A serious offence may warrant immediate removal from the game and or suspension from the subsequent match / matches.

* It is expected that the school connected to the student / person who breached the 'Code' will deal promptly and consistently in accordance with their discipline policy, and in a manner that will ensure there is no further breaches of the 'Code'.

*  It
may be necessary for the BDS to become involved in disciplinary action if there is a concern that action has not been taken at a school level or there appears to be a pattern of repeated incidences that interfere with the enjoyment or safety of others.

Suggested school sport discipline model - 'Strike system'
Strike one:  Warning -  i.e. Discussion,  debrief,  apologize  etc..
Strike two:  Temporary suspension from Sport.  i.e. Travel to venue - does not participate.
Strike three:  Suspended from Sport.  i.e. Does not travel to venue.  Parent contacted.

Any protests or queries must be lodged immediately, before the conclusion of the activity and information emailed to the District Coordinator as soon as possible, within 24 hours.

BDS Photo Permission Form
Permission form used to allow photos to be used on the BDPSSA web site to celebrate or promote individual or school sporting achievements within our district.  Permission pro-forma - see below