Statistics for Geraldton Buccaneers playing in WCC Men 2020

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A Ralph 12 354 66-179 36.87 38-103 36.89 34-43 79.07 36 204 7.25 2.08 17
B Inger 12 408 63-151 41.72 19-64 29.69 15-23 65.22 21 160 5.75 2.92 13.33
C Cook 12 184 22-62 35.48 6-25 24 15-19 78.95 13 65 1.92 1.5 5.42
D Joseph 10 33 1-5 20 0-4 2-2 100 1 4 0.4 0.1 0.4
G Murray 11 103 12-29 41.38 6-16 37.5 3-6 50 8 33 1.27 0.55 3
H Evans 2 7 1-3 33.33 0-1 0-0 2 1
J Paringatai 12 65 9-20 45 2-7 28.57 4-8 50 7 24 0.92 0.25 2
J Hunt 4 136 25-65 38.46 3-10 30 15-18 83.33 11 68 8.5 3.5 17
J Narkle 12 325 41-100 41 13-56 23.21 15-21 71.43 14 110 5.17 2.83 9.17
J Myers 1 4 1-1 100 0-0 0-0 1 2 2
J Iaria 4 18 0-1 0-1 0-0 0.5 0.5
K Wennekes 2 1 0-0 0-0 0-0 1
L Hunt 3 101 18-35 51.43 2-8 25 14-18 77.78 9 52 9 4.67 17.33
M Wundenberg 8 210 24-49 48.98 0-0 14-24 58.33 25 62 11.38 3.12 7.75
R Joseph 12 201 8-31 25.81 5-19 26.32 2-4 50 23 23 1.17 0.75 1.92
T Dobson 2 1 0-2 0-1 1-2 50 1 0.5
W Galvin 10 54 1-4 25 0-0 0-0 4 2 1.2 0.3 0.2
X Garnett-Shaw 10 192 33-63 52.38 0-0 20-39 51.28 19 86 4.9 0.9 8.6

Statistics for Geraldton Buccaneers playing in SBL Men 2019

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A Ralph 31 842 130-362 35.91 78-239 32.64 40-45 88.89 95 378 6.65 1.94 12.19
A Gardiner 9 7 0-0 0-0 0-0 0.11
A Ducas 13 367 67-143 46.85 22-61 36.07 46-57 80.7 20 202 3.92 3.08 15.54
B Inger 28 630 87-207 42.03 34-99 34.34 21-26 80.77 48 229 4.39 1.57 8.18
B Dinardo 33 691 49-136 36.03 12-43 27.91 15-19 78.95 35 125 3.15 1.97 3.79
C Lasher 32 978 260-581 44.75 31-127 24.41 55-100 55 43 606 7.38 3.28 18.94
D Isby 13 334 94-204 46.08 28-81 34.57 48-58 82.76 35 264 6.54 1.92 20.31
D Joseph 1 0-0 0-0 0-0
D Myers 4 13 3-5 60 2-2 100 4-5 80 4 12 0.5 3
J Paringatai 29 131 23-57 40.35 4-16 25 7-13 53.85 15 57 1.03 0.38 1.97
J Iaria 23 15 1-7 14.29 1-2 50 0-0 1 3 0.09 0.13
J Hunt 18 35 7-12 58.33 1-6 16.67 4-5 80 3 19 0.17 0.28 1.06
L Bennett 2 2 0-0 0-0 0-0 0.5
L Hunt 33 933 208-369 56.37 15-46 32.61 81-123 65.85 76 512 9.27 3.03 15.52
M Alipate 26 784 117-284 41.2 49-146 33.56 74-85 87.06 45 357 3.58 4.04 13.73
M Wundenberg 31 507 41-81 50.62 0-2 13-23 56.52 94 95 6.1 1.55 3.06
O Haste 21 81 9-25 36 5-13 38.46 0-2 4 23 0.33 0.29 1.1
T Pirrottina 2 5 2-3 66.67 1-2 50 0-0 1 5 2.5
W Galvin 32 44 6-7 85.71 0-0 4-6 66.67 3 16 0.41 0.19 0.5
W Conner 9 197 43-102 42.16 8-27 29.63 22-32 68.75 15 116 2.67 2.33 12.89

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