
Competition: 2020 Winter Women-Div 1/2 Tuesday
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A Phillips 12 1-0 1-0 0-0 1-0 5 3 0.25
A Pritchard 12 3-0 3-0 0-0 0-0 4 6 0.5
B Lane 10 26-0 11-0 15-0 0-0 22 67 6.7
C Deegan 2 3-0 3-0 0-0 0-0 6 3
C Thomas 13 13-0 12-0 1-0 0-0 18 27 2.08
J Clifford 4 3-0 3-0 0-0 0-0 2 6 1.5
J Gale 7 19-0 19-0 0-0 1-0 7 39 5.57
P Flemming 10 25-0 24-0 1-0 17-0 21 68 6.8
S Crossman 2 1-0 0-0 1-0 4-0 7 3.5
S Thomas 11 10-0 10-0 0-0 0-0 5 20 1.82

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2020 Winter Women-Div 1/2 Tuesday

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POS TEAM P W L D F A % % Won
1 Hoopsters 15 14 1 0 639 411 155.47 93.33
2 Tigers 15 12 3 0 574 448 128.12 80.00
3 Basket Cases 15 11 4 0 569 444 128.15 73.33
4 Raiders Red 15 11 4 0 581 472 123.09 73.33
5 Cruisers 15 9 4 2 457 353 129.46 66.67
6 Young Guns 15 10 5 0 605 591 102.37 66.67
7 Tequila Mockingbirds 15 7 8 0 532 479 111.06 46.67
8 Wild Kittens 15 7 8 0 490 533 91.93 46.67
9 Cougars #2 15 5 10 0 416 545 76.33 33.33
10 Panthers 15 4 10 1 463 530 87.36 30.00
11 Gingernuts 9 2 6 1 158 236 66.95 27.78
12 Tangos Katz 15 4 11 0 389 467 83.30 26.67
13 Crusaders 9 1 8 0 332 418 79.43 11.11
14 Jets 15 0 15 0 249 527 47.25 0.00
15 Raiders Red 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00

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