Player Profile

Rhys Turner

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Season Statistics

13 2016-03-06 0 2 0

Game Log

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Date Opposition G YC RC
Sun 18/Oct Murder on Zidane's Floor 0 0 0
Sun 8/Nov Serve Chilled 0 0 0
Sun 15/Nov The Wanderers 0 0 0
Sun 22/Nov Goal Goal Power Rangers 0 0 0
Sun 29/Nov The Flying Monkeys 0 0 0
Sun 6/Dec Disposable Heroes 0 0 0
Sun 13/Dec #daretocameron 0 0 0
Sun 7/Feb Juan Farkaul 0 0 0
Sun 14/Feb GI Joses 0 0 0
Sun 21/Feb Pretty Pink Pandas 0 1 0
Sun 28/Feb TyrannoSuarez Rex 0 1 0
Sun 6/Mar Murder on Zidane's Floor 0 0 0
Sun 6/Mar Salmons 0 0 0

Previous Seasons

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