Statistics for Notorious Diamonds playing in 25S Wed 4 Women

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A Marsico 11 7 101 9.18
I Petrunic 12 19 31 2.58
K Price 11 18 33 3
L Marsico 12 10 235 19.58
M Deguara 1 4 4
R Blake 1 2 7 7
R Hudson 6 4 34 5.67
T 1 Player 6 13 2.17
T 2 Player 3 3 22 7.33
V Nguyen 9 11 11 1.22

Statistics for Notorious Diamonds playing in 24W Wed 3 Women

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A Marsico 15 2 147 9.8
H Hudson-Stevens 12 13 53 4.42
I Petrunic 5 7 20 4
K Price 3 3 7 2.33
K Cupac 6 2 0.33
L Marsico 15 8 153 10.2
M Roig 4 2 30 7.5
M Leuzzi 17 35 150 8.82
R Hudson 7 4 50 7.14
T 1 Player 10 8 23 2.3
T 2 Player 2 1 2 1
V Nguyen 12 13 17 1.42

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