Statistics for Hellenic AC playing in Womens Premier League Reserves

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Player Name Team Name M Last YC RC GOALS
A Karamanidis Hellenic AC 12 2024-09-28
B Low Hellenic AC 16 2024-09-28
C Kontzionis Hellenic AC 18 2024-09-28 3
E Kontzionis Hellenic AC 16 2024-09-28
E Poniris Hellenic AC 3 2024-08-10
G Hajdic Hellenic AC 2 2024-06-15 2
H Noye Hellenic AC 9 2024-08-10 5
I Jones Hellenic AC 10 2024-09-28
J Forwood Hellenic AC 1 2024-07-07 2
K Angstmann Hellenic AC 15 2024-09-28
K B D Carvalho Hellenic AC 7 2024-07-07
K Landry Hellenic AC 13 2024-09-28 3
K Goldsmith Hellenic AC 18 2024-09-28
L Cholakos Hellenic AC 4 2024-06-23
M Bairamis Hellenic AC 11 2024-09-08 4
M Klonaris Hellenic AC 7 2024-08-04 1
M Koum Hellenic AC 1 2024-04-20
M Marques Hellenic AC 16 2024-09-28 1
N Tchong Hellenic AC 13 2024-09-28 2
N Dickson Hellenic AC 7 2024-09-08 10
N Vrontos Hellenic AC 17 2024-09-28 1 3
O Vizard Hellenic AC 2 2024-04-20
P Fitirikkos Hellenic AC 1 2024-06-23
R Myatt Hellenic AC 8 2024-09-28 1 4
R Cholakos Hellenic AC 18 2024-09-28 3
S Dickson Hellenic AC 7 2024-09-28 10
S Daye Hellenic AC 17 2024-09-28
S Trikilis Hellenic AC 1 2024-06-07 1
T Henderson Hellenic AC 1 2024-04-20
T Hartog Hellenic AC 10 2024-08-31 3
V Cholakos Hellenic AC 1 2024-04-20

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