Statistics for Jets Raptors playing in Hervey Bay Under 11

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Statistics for Jets Raptors playing in Hervey Bay Under 11

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Statistics for Jets Raptors playing in Hervey Bay Under 11

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Statistics for Jets Raptors playing in Fraser Coast league Under 15

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Goffinet Jets Raptors 21 2017-09-02 3
B Mogor Jets Raptors 21 2017-09-02
B Roberts Jets Raptors 15 2017-09-02 3
B Howard Jets Raptors 18 2017-09-02
C Simpkin Jets Raptors 17 2017-09-02
C Wilson Jets Raptors 13 2017-09-02 9
F Mills Jets Raptors 17 2017-09-02 2
J Douma Jets Raptors 19 2017-09-02 1
J Mclaren Jets Raptors 19 2017-09-02 13
J Service Jets Raptors 20 2017-09-02 1
J Hagan Jets Raptors 16 2017-09-02
K Singh Jets Raptors 12 2017-09-02
L Taylor Jets Raptors 20 2017-09-02 2
M Gainsford Jets Raptors 16 2017-09-02 1
M Mowat Jets Raptors 21 2017-09-02 5
R Jones Jets Raptors 21 2017-09-02
R Bradshaw Jets Raptors 17 2017-08-19
W Thorogood Jets Raptors 5 2017-07-08 1

Statistics for Jets Raptors playing in Fraser Coast League under 12

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
B Cooper Jets Raptors 15 2016-08-13 1
B Greaves Jets Raptors 11 2016-07-30
C Peaker Jets Raptors 1 2016-03-12
F Leith Jets Raptors 7 2016-08-13 3
J Kelly Jets Raptors 13 2016-08-13 8
J Schoonderwoerd Jets Raptors 14 2016-08-13
J Avery Jets Raptors 15 2016-08-13 7
J Harch Jets Raptors 16 2016-08-13
J Walker Jets Raptors 15 2016-08-13
K Penrose Jets Raptors 13 2016-08-13
K Gourley Jets Raptors 12 2016-08-13
L Williams Jets Raptors 11 2016-08-13 2
L Hickmott Jets Raptors 14 2016-08-13 1
M Tom Jets Raptors 16 2016-08-13 6
R Bailey Jets Raptors 3 2016-04-23
S Gilchrist Jets Raptors 14 2016-08-13
T Jamieson Jets Raptors 1 2016-04-09
T Lynch Jets Raptors 13 2016-08-13

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