Statistics for Gladesville Hornsby FA playing in U13 - Association Youth League

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Statistics for Gladesville Hornsby FA playing in U14 - Association Youth League

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Statistics for Gladesville Hornsby FA playing in U15 - Association Youth League

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Statistics for Gladesville Hornsby FA playing in U16 - Association Youth League 2017

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Chater Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 1 1
B Hayes Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 2
C Thorne Gladesvill 26 2017-09-16 2
C Workman Gladesvill 1 2017-04-08
C Hughes Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 3 1
C Glanville Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 4 3
D Huntley Gladesvill 1 2017-08-06
E Kapkaew Gladesvill 1 2017-04-08
F A Hatu Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16
G Puglisi Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 6
I Langhorne Gladesvill 26 2017-09-10 4 1
J Shaw Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16
J Choi Gladesvill 1 2017-04-08
J Tetto Gladesvill 27 2017-09-16 12 1
J West Gladesvill 2 2017-06-04
J Zammit Gladesvill 26 2017-09-16 3
L Kenny Gladesvill 26 2017-09-16 6 1
L Li Gladesvill 24 2017-09-16 5
M Spinetti Gladesvill 25 2017-09-16 8 1
M Han Gladesvill 26 2017-09-16
R Krishnan Gladesvill 26 2017-09-16
R Mills Gladesvill 1 2017-07-15

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