Statistics for Greenvale United SC playing in Sportsmart Girls' North 12 Joeys

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS RC
A Naaman Greenvale United SC 1 2016-08-28
A H Bohari Greenvale United SC 18 2016-08-28 3
A Barakat Greenvale United SC 18 2016-08-28
A Yacoub Greenvale United SC 1 2016-08-28 2
A Atmaca Greenvale United SC 14 2016-08-21 1
B Thomas Greenvale United SC 16 2016-08-28 12
C Mangano Greenvale United SC 16 2016-08-28
E Condon Greenvale United SC 16 2016-08-21
J Nadde Greenvale United SC 15 2016-08-28
K Calafiore Greenvale United SC 17 2016-08-28
L Nadde Greenvale United SC 18 2016-08-28
R Huseyin Greenvale United SC 18 2016-08-28
S Kamil Greenvale United SC 14 2016-08-28
S Machlaoui Greenvale United SC 11 2016-08-28 1
S Mott Greenvale United SC 17 2016-08-28
T Sak Greenvale United SC 17 2016-08-28

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