Statistics for Hume City FC playing in Dockerty Cup

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Abdallah Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
D Camilleri Hume City FC 1 2024-04-30
D Petreski Hume City FC 1 2024-03-27
E Arslan Hume City FC 2 2024-04-30
E Julardzija Hume City FC 1 2024-03-27
F Mcfarlane Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16
H Ascroft Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16 1
J Riley Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16
J Bingham Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16
J Gulevski Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
J Okane Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
K Imanzi Hume City FC 1 2024-07-16
K Ulku Hume City FC 1 2024-04-30
L Weier Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
L Isgrove Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16
M Aiello Hume City FC 2 2024-06-12
M Ochieng Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
M Uysal Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16
M Weier Hume City FC 2 2024-07-16
M Platt Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
N Giarrizzo Hume City FC 1 2024-04-30
O Karlsson Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
S Pisani Hume City FC 3 2024-06-12
T Maricic Hume City FC 5 2024-07-16
T Cooper Hume City FC 1 2024-05-22
U Bozdugan Hume City FC 4 2024-07-16

Statistics for Hume City FC playing in Dockerty Cup

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Player Name Team Name

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