Statistics for Belmont Swansea Utd playing in U15 - New FM Northern League One

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS
B Stevens Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01 2
C Aspey Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01
D Greenacre Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01
F Reeves Belmont Swansea Utd 12 2020-11-01 1
H Hicks Belmont Swansea Utd 12 2020-11-01
H Liackman Belmont Swansea Utd 12 2020-11-01 2
H Roberts Belmont Swansea Utd 11 2020-11-01
K Smith Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01 8
K Brown Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01
K V D Straaten Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01
P Layton Belmont Swansea Utd 12 2020-11-01
R Cornish Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01 8
R Gresham Belmont Swansea Utd 10 2020-11-01
S Tytherleigh Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01 4
S Ascoli Belmont Swansea Utd 13 2020-11-01 1
W Bartlett Belmont Swansea Utd 11 2020-11-01 8

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