Statistics for Mandurah City FC playing in Hyundai Women's State Cup

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Player Name Team Name

Statistics for Mandurah City FC playing in Hyundai Women's State League

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS YC RC
A Terrell Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28 2
A Fahey Mandurah City FC 4 2022-08-07
C Hughes Mandurah City FC 2 2022-08-28
C Zanier Mandurah City FC 2 2022-07-10
C Haynes Mandurah City FC 1 2022-08-14
C Murray Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28 1 1
D Gysen Mandurah City FC 1 2022-08-14
E Erickson Mandurah City FC 17 2022-08-28
E Gillespie Mandurah City FC 11 2022-08-21 2 2
G Aiesi Mandurah City FC 10 2022-08-10 2 1
I Somerville Mandurah City FC 2 2022-07-10
J Mitchell Mandurah City FC 12 2022-08-21
J May Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28
J Mutton Mandurah City FC 8 2022-08-28
J Ophel Mandurah City FC 2 2022-08-14
K Thayer Mandurah City FC 4 2022-08-14 1
K Morrison Mandurah City FC 1 2022-07-03
L Diminick Mandurah City FC 2 2022-08-14
M Paschkewitz Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-21 3
M Spillman Mandurah City FC 17 2022-08-28 2
R Hockley Mandurah City FC 1 2022-05-08
S Viney Mandurah City FC 17 2022-08-21
S Stone Mandurah City FC 2 2022-08-28
S Waterman Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28 1
S Booth Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28
S Joynt Mandurah City FC 1 2022-07-28
W Somjan Mandurah City FC 16 2022-08-28

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