Statistics for Maitland FC playing in U16 - NPL Northern NSW

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Player Name Team Name M Last GOALS
A Mcmahon Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01 8
B Grant Maitland FC 19 2020-11-01
C Butchard Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01 2
D Walker Maitland FC 19 2020-11-01 5
F Tapulaa'Ia Maitland FC 15 2020-11-01 4
I Haggarty Maitland FC 16 2020-10-11
J Gunther Maitland FC 6 2020-10-11
J Lancaster Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01
J Graham Maitland FC 10 2020-09-27
L Johnson Maitland FC 20 2020-11-01 4
L Cable Maitland FC 7 2020-10-18
L Tatchell Maitland FC 19 2020-11-01 1
M West Maitland FC 20 2020-11-01 1
M Crowe Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01
M Doherty Maitland FC 3 2020-10-18
O Calculli Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01
R Kent Maitland FC 15 2020-11-01 2
R Furness Maitland FC 8 2020-09-16
R Inglis Maitland FC 21 2020-11-01 1
T Smith Maitland FC 3 2020-10-25
V Wills Maitland FC 7 2020-10-25 3

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