NZCT S1 Y2-4 GOLD Miniball

Tue 11 Jun - 6:20 PM
Team Name 1st Half Score Final Score Team Fouls Player Fouls
Bayfield Primary Cavaliers 0 31 0 0
Campbells Bay Primary Pistons 0 33 0 0
Bayfield Primary Cavaliers
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Wilder Kimpton 0 0 0
Asher Radonich 0 0 0
Tyko Broadhead 0 0 0
Thomas Dyer 0 0 0
Leo Twyman 0 0 0
Mateo Hackett 0 0 0
Cairo Sefuiva 0 0 0
Wyatt Whatley 0 0 0
Cooper Taina Waby 0 0 0

Campbells Bay Primary Pistons
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Camden Wilson 0 0 0
Judd Wiltshire 0 0 0
Rory Ikonen 0 0 0
Liam Visser 0 0 0
Harrison Clark 0 0 0
Dylan Welson 0 0 0
Frederick Dixon 0 0 0
Jonty Gardner 0 0 0