2024 S1 Men's Premier League

def. by
Wed 3 Jul - 7:15 PM
Team Name 1st Half Score Final Score Team Fouls Player Fouls
AUT Premiers 14 24 8 15
Monstars 15 23 18 18
AUT Premiers
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Adam Davies 0 0 0
Eckhard Niemand 0 0 0
Riley Bonar 0 0 0
Sam Nobilo 0 0 0
Connor Mills 0 0 0
Tony Malosi-Solomona 0 0 0
Darwin Marinas 0 0 0
Kyle Robb 0 0 0

Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
David Smith 0 0 0
Jonty Strawbridge 0 0 0
Harry Cutfield 0 0 0
Adam Singer 0 0 0
Gaiâ??an Fisher 0 0 0
Finn James 0 0 0
Josh Handa 0 0 0
Ugo Pierantoni 0 0 0