
Boys' West 14C

  1st Half Score 2nd Half Score OT Score Final Score Penalty Score
Epping City SC 0 0 1 0 0
Watsonia Heights FC 0 0 1 1 0

Watsonia Heights FC

Player Name Player Number Goals Yellow Cards Red Cards
Luke Kuhar 0 0 0 0
Liam Cottam 0 0 0 0
Tom De Santis 0 0 0 0
Riccardo De Thomasis 0 0 0 0
Aaron Popovski 0 0 0 0
Joshua Visser 0 0 0 0
Joshua Salanitri 0 0 0 0
Bernard Guthrie 0 0 0 0
Mickey Dmitrovic 0 0 0 0
Luke Mcmillan 0 0 0 0
Jeremy Marson 0 0 0 0
Matthew Pozzer 0 0 0 0
Connor Redpath Diggle 0 0 0 0
Joseph Potts 0 0 0 0
Ryan Redfern 0 0 0 0
Daniel Nervosa 0 0 0 0
Marcus Trentino 0 0 0 0
Lucas Jankulovski 0 0 0 0

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