
Girls' South 12C Blue

  1st Half Score 2nd Half Score OT Score Final Score Penalty Score
Brandon Park SC 1 1 0 0 0
East Bentleigh SC 1 2 0 0 0

East Bentleigh SC

Player Name Player Number Goals Yellow Cards Red Cards
Kristian Tzamouranis 0 1 0 0
James Koutsodontis 0 1 0 0
George Zontanos 0 1 0 0
Christopher Hatzigeorgiou 0 0 0 0
Nicholas Romero 0 0 0 0
George Gameras 0 0 0 0
Jonathan Avgeridis 0 0 0 0
Karl Hagen-Mujica 0 0 0 0
Nicolas Athanasopoulos 0 0 0 0
Jamie Tzamouranis 0 0 0 0
Athanasios Panagiotou 0 0 0 0
Peter Tsetinis 0 0 0 0
Joshua Oresti 0 0 0 0
Dylan Clifford 0 0 0 0
Nicholas Boloutis 1 0 0 0
Sebastian Davies 1 0 0 0

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