North Harbour Mazda Intermediate Girls League 2

Team Name 1st Half Score Final Score Team Fouls Player Fouls
Kristin Year 9 Girls Tawa 2 6 0 0
Birkenhead College Y9 Girls 3 41 0 0
Kristin Year 9 Girls Tawa
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Georgia Preston 0 0 0
Jessica Zheng 0 0 0
Luna Tian 0 0 0
Xuanxuan Zhang 0 0 0
Amber Zeng 0 0 0
Rebecca Yan 0 0 0

Birkenhead College Y9 Girls
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Pippa Irwin 0 0 0
Sophia Yager 0 0 0
Addison Henson 0 0 0
Lily Whorwood 0 0 0
Tilly Laurence-Anderson 0 0 0
Louie Nicholson 0 0 0
Morgane Shearer 0 0 0
Mila Agnew 0 0 0
Devan Hulena 0 0 0