North Harbour Mazda Intermediate Boys League 1

Team Name 1st Half Score Final Score Team Fouls Player Fouls
SAY LESS 15 20 15 15
Unknowns 9 20 19 15
Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Robert Williamson 0 0 0
Marco Alexander 0 0 0
Busse Schackow 0 0 0
Luke Bryant 0 0 0
Yaran Ghassemi 0 0 0

Click Player Names to view their Personal Statistics
Player Name Fouls Votes Total
Cameron Smith 0 0 0
Dylan Thompson 0 0 0
Rewi Manahi 0 0 0
Tim Edmonds 0 0 0
Barney Montgomery 0 0 0
Jeff Wilson 0 0 0
Duncan Smith 0 0 0