Welcome to Tenambit Sharks Football Club’s 2024 Season and our 50th year as a club!
Tenambit Sharks Football Club is a volunteer-driven community club focused on growing participation in football and supporting connection in the local community. To achieve this we aim to:
You can stay in touch with our club, upcoming registrations and events by following us on facebook. Or feel free to send any enquiries you have through to tenambitsharksfc@hotmail.com.
Registering your child.
Your child will play in the age group of the age that they are turning in 2024. At times, children may need to play in a higher age group if numbers require it.
All new junior players will receive socks and shorts as part of their registration, and this year as our 50th anniversary as a club we will be giving all members a celebratory training shirt.
Junior players aged U5yr-U7yr will also receive shorts, shinpads and a ball as part of their registration.
Things to make note of:
- All new junior players will need to provide a copy of their birth certificate by Meet the Coach day to have their registration accepted by the association. This will be deleted after verification.
- All registrations need to be paid for online. Your spot in the team cannot be secured until this is completed.
- Children need to be turning 5 in 2024 to be able to register for U5s.
- Active kid vouchers can be applied in your online registration process.
We will have registrations open to all until the end of February, from then it’s best to contact our registrar, Linda, to ensure there is a sport available in your team of choice. You can contact Linda on 0401 704 529.
Team and parent responsibilities
First and foremost, we are a volunteer-driven club and as such require all parents to contribute time to support the club, particularly around game days.
Teams will be allocated with a coach and manager, these are usually willing volunteers within the team that can share the load to organise the team throughout the season. These roles are seen as a great opportunity to generate a sense of fun in the sport and build a sense of community in our teams. The TSFC committee will support these roles throughout the season, with training and resources available.
On game days, teams will be notified as to whether they required to set up or pack up before or after their game. Parent will need to help with this each game day and ensure gear is returned to the club house when required.
We have game day rosters available from the beginning of the season where we request that all parents allocate at least 1 hour for 1 game day in season to contribute as ground officials or in the canteen. You’re able to allocate your availability early to secure your most preferred time, if we don’t get enough volunteers through this teams will be allocated to timeslots.
Other volunteer opportunities
Community days, working bees and other events will likely see a call go out to parents throughout the season. Parent participation is proven to improve a child’s enjoyment of the game, build the community and importantly benefit the success felt on the outcome from the day - please be ready to be a part of it when you or your child joins the club.
Once you have submitted your registration, you’ll need to:
- Download WhatsApp and join our Community. This is how our club can ensure you are updated with events, team and game announcements. This will also be how you communicate with your teams in season.
Put our Meet the Coach community day in your calendar: 9am at 10th March 2024.
You’ll meet our Club Coach Coordinator, Greg Tierney, who is onboard to welcome our coaches and support them throughout the season.
Kids will receive their welcome pack
You’ll be able to purchase uniforms needed and club merchandise
We look forward to welcoming you to Shark Park for our 50 years anniversary year.
Registering as a senior player
This year we’re excited to be able to offer a $20 voucher for merchandise or use in the canteen if you get your registration by the 1st March. As it is our 50th anniversary year we will also be providing our players with a branded training shirt as a memento for the season.
Things to note:
- Over 35 players will need to supply proof of age to be able to play.
- All registrations need to be paid for online. Your spot in the team cannot be secured until this is completed.
- Teams will need to have a minimum of 9 players registered before 1st March to be able to go ahead. Please take advantage of our early bird registrations.
- All players will need to add a passport quality photo to their registration to build team sheets that will be checked at each game, particularly at finals. So make sure you get a fresh snap to add to your profile.
- New players to the club will receive shorts and socks with their registration.
- Vouchers will be sent out after 1 March.
We will have registrations open to all until the end of February, from then it’s best to contact our registrar, Linda, to ensure there is a spot available in your team of choice. You can contact Linda on 0401 704 529.
Team responsibilities
First and foremost, we are a volunteer-driven club and as such require all players to contribute time to support the club, particularly around game days.
On game days, teams will be notified as to whether they are required to set up or pack up before or after their game. Players will need to help with this each game day and ensure gear is returned to the club house when required. This includes closing up on game day/night and assisting the canteen team with pack up.
We have game day rosters available from the beginning of the season where we request that all players allocate at least 1 hour for 1 game day in season to contribute as ground officials or in the canteen. You’re able to allocate your availability early to secure your most preferred time, if we don’t get enough volunteers through this teams will be allocated to fill the time slots.
Other volunteer opportunities
Community days, working bees and other events will likely see a call go out to players throughout the season. Volunteering at your club is rewarding, helps to build a sense of community and will enhance your team and your enjoyment of playing the world’s great game. Please be ready to be a part of it as you join our club.
Once you have submitted your registration, you’ll need to:
- Download WhatsApp and join our Community. This is how our club can ensure you are updated with events, team and game announcements. This will also be how you communicate with your teams in season.
- Book in our Seniors ‘Welcome to the Club’ night 6pm on the 13th March. On this night you’ll be able to meet your team, meet some of the committee you’ll see around the club and chat through some important information for throughout the season. This will be also a great opportunity to purchase any uniforms that you require.
- Follow us on facebook or instagram @TenambitSharksFC
We look forward to welcoming you to Shark Park for our 50 years anniversary year.