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Floor Game Summary

Player Name Team M Pts AS Av Ass ST BL BLKREC TO TFO BLKREC IdxSuc
S Desiato MAD 5 59 21 4.2 6 17 -2147483648 63
G Romano FON 5 63 2 0.4 9 16 -2147483648 47
M Fossati VEN 4 69 7 1.8 5 1 13 -2147483648 77
M Ferrara VEN 4 26 12 3.0 3 13 -2147483648 32
A Lilliu FON 5 99 12 2.4 1 12 -2147483648 86
J M Caceres MAD 5 76 19 3.8 2 1 12 -2147483648 107
Y Biordi FON 5 24 2 0.4 4 3 12 -2147483648 14
D Guadagnola VEN 4 54 0.0 1 10 -2147483648 43
M Tamburrini VEN 4 49 9 2.3 3 9 -2147483648 18
F Smorra ISE 3 40 10 0.0 2 8 -2147483648 38
R Minchella VEN 4 48 3 0.8 3 8 -2147483648 31
J Myers FON 5 35 11 2.2 3 7 -2147483648 23
P Rubbera MAD 5 59 7 1.4 5 2 7 10 2 22
A D Giacomo FON 5 19 3 0.6 1 3 6 -2147483648 18
A Garofalo MAD 5 28 6 1.2 2 6 -2147483648
G Poggi ISE 4 34 4 0.0 2 6 -2147483648 43
G Marini MAD 2 16 1 0.5 5 7 7
L Rusciano MAD 5 32 4 0.8 3 2 5 -2147483648 37
A Guagliardi ISE 4 66 9 0.0 6 4 -2147483648 73
A Chiari VEN 4 19 2 0.5 2 4 -2147483648 20
K Patani ISE 4 35 1 0.0 3 1 4 -2147483648 30
M Strati ISE 3 11 7 0.0 4 -2147483648 18
A Florio MAD 5 43 4 0.8 3 1 1 3 6 1 27
A Luzza FON 5 28 0.0 3 3 -2147483648 32
A Zamo MAD 3 3 0.0 3 -2147483648 -1
D Cappiello FON 5 8 5 1.0 5 3 -2147483648 18
G Triggiani ISE 4 19 2 0.0 2 3 -2147483648 8
G Esposito ISE 4 17 0.0 2 3 -2147483648 7
I Ragnino MAD 4 7 3 0.8 1 3 -2147483648 -1
S Mihalich FON 4 42 7 1.8 4 3 -2147483648 57
A Brusello VEN 4 2 0.0 2 -2147483648 -3
G Pietrosanto FON 5 20 11 2.2 5 4 2 8 26
G Pascarella MAD 2 6 0.0 2 -2147483648 3
E Cardarelli VEN 2 4 1 0.5 1 1 -2147483648 4
F Sansone ISE 3 22 11 0.0 1 1 -2147483648 26
L Carosi ISE 3 34 0.0 2 1 -2147483648 22
L Cotugno VEN 2 0.0 1
O D Marzo FON 2 1 0.5 1 1 2 3
A Fiorentino ISE 0 0.0
A Fazzone FON 0 0.0
A Fontana FON 0 0.0
A Werlich ISE 4 8 0.0 1 -2147483648 4
A Testa FON 0 0.0
A Cardarelli VEN 0 0.0
C Perillo MAD 0 0.0
D D Manno FON 2 0.0 -1
F D'Amico VEN 0 0.0
F Chiavazzo MAD 0 0.0
G Mandato MAD 0 0.0
G D'Adamo ISE 0 0.0
G Piscitelli MAD 0 0.0
K V Pandolfi VEN 0 0.0
L Carnevale FON 0 0.0
L Capuano VEN 0 0.0
L Cancelli VEN 1 2 1 1.0 -2147483648
M Centra FON 0 0.0
M Avallone FON 0 0.0
M Bisciotti ISE 0 0.0
M Melchiorre ISE 0 0.0
M Nappi MAD 0 0.0
M Gentili ISE 0 0.0
M Loughlimi VEN 0 0.0
P Listwon MAD 4 12 2 0.5 1 -2147483648 19
P Montanaro VEN 2 0.0 -3
S Durante VEN 0 0.0
V Mattei FON 0 0.0
V Bandera VEN 1 0.0

* Player played for multiple teams in same competition

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