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Fouls Summary

Player Name Team M PFS
O Byrnes CB134 3 11
D Styles CC350 3 10
M Engdahl CC352 3 10
N Chi SU231 4 10
S Pearse SU240 3 10
D Lanigan CC352 4 9
J Barnes-Drury RA656 2 9
L Willson CB140 3 9
B Shepherdson WA918 3 8
J Boyle CC354 3 8
J Humphry CC352 4 8
N Star SC498 2 8
T Braddock SU260 3 8
B Bell CC350 3 7
B Doran SU240 3 7
H Russell SU231 4 7
H Brooks SU240 3 7
H Dyke SU231 4 7
H Collins WA918 2 7
O Croudace CB134 3 7
P James SU240 3 7
R Hackworthy WA918 3 7
S Panetta CB136 3 7
T Wagenaar WA918 3 7
B Somoff SU234 2 6
D Falek SC442 2 6
F Andrews SC444 3 6
F Holland CB130 3 6
L Young CC362 3 6
L Svendsen CB130 3 6
M Teh CC354 3 6
N Tang CC354 3 6
S Pusey CB140 3 6
T Jennings RA658 3 6
T Julian CC352 4 6
T Ahern CC362 3 6
T Falconer-Radford SU231 4 6
T Patterson RA654 3 6
A Biddle SC496 3 5
E Langmaid SC496 3 5
G L Messurier CB136 3 5
H Ottaway RA656 2 5
J Rumbold RA658 3 5
K Turay SC496 3 5
L Keane RA654 3 5
L Babich SU234 1 5
M Perroud CC350 3 5
N Tomasevic-Ljubin SU240 3 5
O Worley RA658 3 5
P Murphy CB136 3 5
S Ekaputra RA662 3 5
S Garlick CC362 3 5
T Houlihan WA918 3 5
T O'Hara SC444 3 5
A Gamble SU236 2 4
C Grieves RA656 2 4
E Walsh SU260 3 4
E Bardsley CC352 4 4
F Comerford SC442 2 4
H Biddeloo RA658 3 4
H Sutton WA918 3 4
H Liddell SC498 2 4
J Zimmermann CC350 3 4
J Mitchell CC362 3 4
J Goh RA662 2 4
J Seah CB140 3 4
M Borg CB130 3 4
M Bailey SU236 2 4
N Owen SC448 2 4
N Jacob SU240 3 4
O Syminton RA658 3 4
O Popal SC448 2 4
O Weinbauer CC352 4 4
S Siu RA656 2 4
V Della-Polina RA658 3 4
W Murphy RA654 3 4
Z Tangney CB140 3 4
A White SU260 3 3
A Campbell CC350 3 3
B Williams SU236 2 3
C Allan WA918 3 3
C Sim RA658 2 3
C Deurloo RA660 2 3
F Cena SU236 2 3
H Alcock CB132 3 3
H Gregory SC444 3 3
H Doherty-Gardiner SC442 2 3
J Doyle CB140 3 3
J Kennedy SC498 2 3
J Yap CC354 3 3
K Koerber SC496 3 3
L Buck CC362 3 3
L Stepatschuk SU260 3 3
O Keamy SU231 4 3
O Ralls RA660 2 3
R Lockyer RA662 3 3
R Campbell CB132 3 3
S Cousins RA662 2 3
W Duan CC362 2 3
A Thomson RA660 2 2
A Riley SU236 2 2
A D Franca RA662 3 2
A Newman SU236 2 2
B Taseff SC448 2 2
C Glew RA660 2 2
C Manning RA654 3 2
C Messina SU231 2 2
C Sherin CB136 3 2
D O'Reilly SC496 3 2
E Meadows CC350 3 2
E Laurent RA662 3 2
E D Plessis CB132 3 2
F Steppat CB130 3 2
F Grainger SU240 2 2
F Coats SC444 3 2
H Gladstone SC496 3 2
H Goyder CC362 2 2
H Pires SC442 2 2
J Whitaker CB130 3 2
J Lynch RA660 2 2
J Watts CB134 3 2
J Nener SC498 2 2
J Pupazzoni RA662 3 2
J Bailey CB134 1 2
J Brill CB132 3 2
L Sheldrick CC362 3 2
L Ptolomey CB134 3 2
L Medic SC444 3 2
M Brankovic SC444 3 2
M Leggo CB132 3 2
M Ingham SU240 2 2
M Twomey WA918 2 2
N Thomson SC442 2 2
P Morrissey CB134 2 2
R Roberson SC448 2 2
R Watson SC498 2 2
S Meyer SU234 2 2
S Matthews SC444 2 2
S Trainor CB136 3 2
T Hajinoor-Fuller SU231 4 2
W Flaherty SU234 2 2
A Maceri RA656 2 1
A Meadows CC350 3 1
A Versteegen CB130 3 1
A Castledine RA660 2 1
B Stone CB130 2 1
C Christie SU260 3 1
C Dean SU260 3 1
C Thackray SC442 2 1
D Mcbain SC448 1 1
E Ritchie CB136 2 1
F Weston RA656 2 1
F Crommelin CC362 2 1
H Macgeorge SU260 3 1
H Howes SU260 3 1
I Spencer SC498 1 1
J Newsome RA656 2 1
J Bornmann RA654 3 1
J Pelliccione CC354 3 1
J Yates CC354 2 1
J Steele CC352 4 1
J Garcia CB134 3 1
K Hart SC496 3 1
L Unsworth CB132 2 1
M Judkins CB132 3 1
M Syers CB132 3 1
O Howson RA654 3 1
T Yates CC354 3 1
T Jarosz SU236 2 1
T Namarnyilk CB130 2 1
A Kwa RA660 2
A Chong SC448 2
B Dawkins CB132 3
C Axford SC448 2
C Cottrell RA662 2
C Nelson CB130 2
C Trumbull SU240 1
E D Martino SU234 2
I Paton CB134 3
J Sayer SU234 2
J O'Farrell CB140 3
J Zhou RA660 2
L Papotto SC442 1
M Draper SC444 3
M Kasalica SC496 1
O Franconi SU236 2
O Gooding SU231 1
P Pitt SU231 2
R V Sivers RA656 1
R Hopkins CB136 1
S Corner SU234 2
S Chan SC498 1
S Ballinger RA654 2
T Kent SC498 2
W Bond CB140 1
W Golsby CC350 1
W Senders CC354 3
Y Q D Tan SC448 2
Z Liddelow CB140 3
Z Kuenzel SU234 2

* Player played for multiple teams in same competition

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