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Scoring Summary

Player Name Team M 3PM 2PM FTM PTS AV PTS
J Adams Bullits Bronze 3 7 12 2 45 15
K Mccormick OMBC Panthers Yellow 13 4 26 6 70 5.38
R Mcquiston Mordy Flyers Eagles 18 4 37 12 98 5.44
L Doyle Bullits White 16 3 20 5 54 3.38
J Howe Mordy Flyers Eagles 17 2 21 5 53 3.12
J Arrowsmith Pacers U16 Hobson 15 2 26 15 69 4.6
J Kurta OMBC Panthers Yellow 13 2 24 9 61 4.69
L Ritter Mordy Flyers Eagles 18 2 22 2 52 2.89
M Franz Sharks Blacktips 3 2 1 8 2.67
M O'Brien Mentone Mustangs Cobras 10 2 11 3 31 3.1
O Hotton St Leonard's Scorpions 17 2 45 21 117 6.88
W Landman Bullits Trueblue 2 2 14 2 36 18
Z Krol Pacers U16 Hobson 14 2 22 8 56 4
A Smyth St Leonard's Scorpions 14 1 41 8 93 6.64
A Kenny Pacers U16 Black 3 1 3 2 9 3
A Koczek Pacers U16 Black 3 1 6 2 17 5.67
C Kontiveis St Leonard's Comets 3 1 7 8 25 8.33
C Mcgeary Bullits Bronze 3 1 16 6 41 13.67
E Esakson OMBC Panthers Yellow 12 1 10 8 31 2.58
E Birbilis Sharks Blacktips 3 1 17 3 37 12.33
G Murphy Bullits Trueblue 1 1 6 3 18 18
H Stacker Bullits White 13 1 19 3 44 3.38
J Berry Pacers U16 Hobson 14 1 26 10 65 4.64
J Montry Sharks Threshers 2 1 2 7 3.5
J Richards St Leonard's Jaguars 15 1 37 4 78 5.2
M Gathercole Bullits White 12 1 15 2 35 2.92
N Michelsson Mentone Mustangs Cobras 12 1 6 4 19 1.58
P Phan OMBC Panthers Yellow 12 1 30 10 73 6.08
R Mulhall Eagles Legends 2 1 4 2 13 6.5
S Courtier Mordy Flyers Eagles 16 1 44 13 102 6.38
S Cook Sharks Blacktips 3 1 7 17 5.67
V Brown Mentone Mustangs Cobras 12 1 21 15 60 5
A Tenaglia OMBC Panthers Yellow 10 6 3 15 1.5
A D'Angelo Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1
A Stefanec Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 8 2 17 5.67
A Guo Mordy Flyers Eagles 17 21 4 46 2.71
A Loffel Pacers U16 Hobson 2 1 2 1
A Cumming Sharks Blacktips 3 5 5 15 5
A Gray Mordy Flyers Titans 3 1 2 0.67
A Murphy OMBC Panthers Swish 2
A Murray St Leonard's Comets 2 7 1 15 7.5
B Clark Pacers U16 Hobson 15 20 3 43 2.87
B Dipietrantonio Bullits Bronze 3 1 2 0.67
B Kenny Pacers U16 Black 2 4 1 9 4.5
B Logan Mordy Flyers Titans 3 3 4 1.33
B Mclean Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 1 2 0.67
B Uehara Eagles Legends 2 1 2 1
B Hoye Eagles Legends 2
B Wells St Leonard's Scorpions 15 5 3 13 0.87
B Oliver Bullits Trueblue 1 1 2 2
B Collins Bullits Trueblue 1 6 12 12
B Mcneill Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 1 2 2
B Bridge Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 2 4 4
C Staggs OMBC Panthers Yellow 12 3 6 0.5
C Arthurton Sharks Threshers 2 3 6 3
C Mcswain St Leonard's Scorpions 15 37 14 86 5.73
C Hammond Sharks Great Whites 2
C Bernhard St Leonard's Jaguars 1
D Ray Sharks Threshers 2 3 6 3
D Beaven St Leonard's Jaguars 1 1 2 2
D Castle Sharks Threshers 2 5 10 5
D Jones Mordy Flyers Titans 3 7 14 4.67
D Mababa Mentone Mustangs Cobras 12 16 4 36 3
D Tucker Scalpers (Gladiators) 3 6 12 4
D Tezay Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1 1 1 1
D Hewamanna Pacers U16 Black 2 4 2 10 5
E Phillips OMBC Panthers Swish 2 2 2 1
E Szapirko Mordy Flyers Titans 3 1 2 0.67
F Hawkins St Leonard's Jaguars 14 34 15 82 5.86
F Barnes Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 4 1 9 3
F Milsom Sharks Great Whites 1 2 4 4
F Moutis Pacers U16 Cole 1
F King St Leonard's Comets 1 1 2 2
F Davis Bullits White 6
F Bennett St Leonard's Jaguars 12 7 5 19 1.58
H M Pherson Scalpers (Gladiators) 1 1 2 2
H Fulton Bullits Trueblue 2 1 1 3 1.5
H Grau Mentone Mustangs Cobras 11 3 1 6 0.55
H Grenda Bullits Bronze 2 1 2 1
H Haydon St Leonard's Comets 2 2 4 2
H Maginness Pacers U16 Hobson 2
H Deam Pacers U16 Black 3
J Mccurdy Pacers U16 Black 2 1 2 1
J Pyke-Simmons Pacers U16 Whitehouse 1
J Tuffley Bullits White 16 16 11 43 2.69
J Yates Mordy Flyers Eagles 18 22 1 45 2.5
J Galloway St Leonard's Comets 2
J Barry Sharks Blacktips 3 4 8 2.67
J Donlon Mentone Mustangs Cobras 10 10 5 25 2.5
J Pullen Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 1 2 2
J Richards St Leonard's Jaguars 11 5 10 0.91
J Kelly Mordy Flyers Titans 3 4 4 12 4
J Paine Sharks Threshers 2 2 4 2
J Hanekamp St Leonard's Scorpions 8 1 1 3 0.38
J Hower Pacers U16 Hobson 15 18 5 41 2.73
J Freeman Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 1 3 5 5
J Ilias Scalpers (Gladiators) 3 2 3 7 2.33
J Forbes Bullits Bronze 2 9 1 17 8.5
J Sheppard Mentone Mustangs Cobras 9 17 11 45 5
J Thompson Scalpers (Gladiators) 2
J Mcmahon Mordy Flyers Titans 2 5 1 11 5.5
J Chapman Pacers U16 Hobson 9 4 1 7 0.78
J Tonini Bullits White 14 30 4 63 4.5
J Scott OMBC Panthers Yellow 13 12 7 31 2.38
J Davey St Leonard's Scorpions 15 13 26 1.73
J Meo Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1 1 2 2
K Dickson Sharks Blacktips 3 4 3 11 3.67
K O'Connor Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 1 3 5 1.67
K Vella Sharks Great Whites 2 9 18 9
L Meister Bullits White 15 18 13 48 3.2
L Miller Mordy Flyers Eagles 16 49 19 114 7.12
L Barnes Mordy Flyers Titans 3 3 6 2
L Scott Sharks Great Whites 2 1 2 1
L Buttigieg Scalpers (Gladiators) 1
L Crisp Bullits Trueblue 2 1 1 0.5
L Murphy St Leonard's Jaguars 12 32 4 68 5.67
L O'Donohgue Mordy Flyers Titans 3 11 22 7.33
L White Pacers U16 Black 3 4 8 2.67
L Beacham Sharks Blacktips 3 2 4 1.33
L Collinson Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 1 2 2
L Banks Mentone Mustangs Cobras 5
L Beaven St Leonard's Jaguars 13 8 16 1.23
L Francis Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1
L Groves Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1 1 2 4 4
L Pyke-Simmons Pacers U16 Whitehouse 1
L Stevenson St Leonard's Jaguars 12 8 1 17 1.42
M Golotta Scalpers (Gladiators) 1
M Cowell Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1 1 2 2
M Dhillon Mentone Mustangs Rocket Power 1
M Marani Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1 3 6 6
M Benger Eagles Legends 1 1 2 2
M Davidson Sharks Threshers 2 2 1 5 2.5
N Mahy Sharks Great Whites 2 2 1 5 2.5
N Ganim Bullits Bronze 1
N Vagaj Eagles Legends 2
O Halbish OMBC Panthers Swish 2 1 2 1
O Hobson Pacers U16 Hobson 12 64 16 144 12
O Constantinou Scalpers (Gladiators) 1
O Grasso Mordy Flyers Eagles 17 39 14 92 5.41
P Mccarthy Sharks Threshers 2 2 4 2
P Merchant Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1
P Wilcox Sharks Threshers 2 2 1 5 2.5
R Netley St Leonard's Jaguars 1 1 2 2
R Hamlin Bullits Bronze 2 2 4 2
R Wollen St Leonard's Scorpions 16 19 2 40 2.5
R L Fevre St Leonard's Comets 1 4 8 8
R Buttigeg Scalpers (Gladiators) 1 5 10 10
R Mccormack OMBC Panthers Yellow 13 14 3 30 2.31
R O'Shanesy Sharks Great Whites 2 1 2 1
S Hardeman Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 4 2 10 3.33
S Feehan Pacers U16 Whitehouse 3 2 1 5 1.67
S Funston Bullits Trueblue 2 1 2 1
S Lucas St Leonard's Comets 1 1 2 2
S Maginness Pacers U16 Hobson 11 19 8 46 4.18
S Poort Sharks Great Whites 2 1 2 1
S Stewart Bullits Trueblue 2 2 4 2
S Dyer OMBC Panthers Swish 2 4 2 10 5
S Logan St Leonard's Comets 3 4 1 9 3
S Small Mentone Mustangs Stallions 1
S Valentine Eagles Legends 2 5 4 13 6.5
S Hawkins St Leonard's Jaguars 5 6 3 15 3
S Troc Mentone Mustangs Cobras 7 6 5 17 2.43
T Duboys Eagles Legends 2 3 6 3
T Coutts Bullits Bronze 3 11 22 7.33
T Reynolds St Leonard's Scorpions 11 34 6 74 6.73
T Cox Pacers U16 Black 2 6 12 6
V Day Sharks Great Whites 2 2 4 2
W Sayer St Leonard's Jaguars 9 11 22 2.44
W Tuffley Bullits White 16 15 11 41 2.56
W Diver Pacers U16 Hobson 2 1 2 1
W Hardeman Pacers U16 Whitehouse 2 2 3 7 3.5
W Jackson OMBC Panthers Swish 2 4 8 4
X Curcio St Leonard's Comets 2 4 8 4
X Tremigliozzi Scalpers (Gladiators) 3 7 1 15 5
Z Bowen Bullits Navy 3 1 2 4 1.33
Z Ziesing St Leonard's Scorpions 16 36 2 74 4.62
Z Tremigliozzi Scalpers (Gladiators) 3 3 1 7 2.33
Z Cooper OMBC Panthers Swish 2 9 18 9

* Player played for multiple teams in same competition

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