Sat 13B S25
Competition Notes
No Games:
School Holidays – 20th & 27th December 2024, 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th January 2025
Final Series:
1 V 4
2 V 3
At the Conclusion of 1 Full round (13th December 2024) the competition may split mid-season, the decision will be made on a finals format. If the Match Committee deems it appropriate to remain as one competition for the remainder of the season and then split for the finals.
Semi Finals04/04/2025
Finals 11/04/2025
If teams are on equal points the following is applied:
1.Head to head wins between the teams tied
2. Points difference between the teams tied (so if team A beats team B by 10 then team B beats team A by 12 team B would progress with the better points for and against margin)
3.Points difference across the whole competition
No Games:
School Holidays – 20th & 27th December 2024, 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th January 2025
Final Series:
1 V 4
2 V 3
At the Conclusion of 1 Full round (13th December 2024) the competition may split mid-season, the decision will be made on a finals format. If the Match Committee deems it appropriate to remain as one competition for the remainder of the season and then split for the finals.
Semi Finals04/04/2025
Finals 11/04/2025
If teams are on equal points the following is applied:
1.Head to head wins between the teams tied
2. Points difference between the teams tied (so if team A beats team B by 10 then team B beats team A by 12 team B would progress with the better points for and against margin)
3.Points difference across the whole competition