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Last Uploaded: Thu 31-Oct-2024 16:40:49 |

For any missing or incorrect results, please contact the Competition Organiser.

Competition Notes

No Games On -

Final Series - 1v4
- 2v3

Semi Finals 14.08.24
Finals 21.08.24

If teams are on equal points the following is applied: If teams are on equal points the following is applied:
1.Head to head wins between the teams tied

2. Points difference between the teams tied ( so if team A beats team B by 10 then team B beats team A by 12 team B would progress with the better points for and against margin)

3.Points difference across the whole competition

Division Notes:
Because of re-grading the following applies:
These Games Not Included in Ladder
Rnd.1- Notorious SMALL Vs Notorious Kaijo
Rnd.2- SMALL Vs Benchwarmers
Therefore these games will be Double Points Games
Rnd.8- Legends Vs Kaijo
Rnd.9- Legends Vs Benchwarmers

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