Term 1 Meeting 2019 Minutes

JBC – Term 1 Meeting Agenda (2019)

11th April 2019 – 9.30am


Attendees: Kay, Barrie, Kirsten, Kelly

Apologies: Dianne, Jamie



-          Sutherland Basketball re new payment system

-          TJHS re credit for non-use of gym

-          Annette re U14 development rep players in Jayhawks not playing in U14 comp (requirement)


-          Accounts            

Balance at 18th December 2018                          $5599.89

Club Fees (incoming)                                             $558

Training Fees (incoming)                                       $70

Trophies for Presentation Day                                                            (257)

5 and 10 year member Gifts                                                                (334.73)

Meat for Presentation Day                                                                   (157.74)

Summer Nomination Fees:                                                                  (210)

Gym Hire – Term 1 2019:                                                                       (693)


Balance at 10th April 2019                                      $4575.42     (-$1024.47)


Acknowledge that some of the cost for the presentation day will be reduced this year with perpetual trophies not required to be purchased.

$70 for Jets has also been received and is yet to be banked. Unclear of who the $70 is from – maybe Jays?

Looking to also do a fundraiser to cover the costs for the 2019 Presentation.


-          Register

No new teams joining the club and no teams leaving the club. There is a small percentage of players leaving the club in the juniors – Jaguars (2), Jaws (2), Jets (2), Jayhawks (3), Jaegars (1) but in most teams new players are coming in to replace them.




Wrong material was sent and hence the delay in the shorts. New shorts are now ready for distribution.

Shorts to be kept with Kirsten rather than at Quickresponse as makes it easier to get them for parents.

Shorts sold for $30 each. No money made by the club on these.

There will be 5 players needing shorts who are new to the club (2 x Jets, 2 x Jayhawks 1x Jaws)

Possibility for shorts to be returned for those not playing with the club any more.

Promotion of Quick response on skins for the club. Logo on webpage and FB page.

Sponsored t-shirts – most kids have outgrown.

Send an email out to the club to bring in shirts and shorts that don’t fit. Players returning shorts and needing new ones will receive a discount.

Items for Discussion

-          JBC Committee Vacancies

There are vacancies in the President role and Jamie is looking to step down as Treasurer. An email will be sent out to the club database to see if there is any interest.


-          Winter Team Nominations

All teams have been nominated for the winter comp with Jaguars and Jaws needing one or two more players (currently at 6).

Jaws are without a coach as Jade has returned to NZ and Lauren would like to step down as Manager. A few emails have been sent by Lauren and Club Secretary but no response to fill the gap as yet. Without a Coach or Manager the team cannot be nominated through Jannali.


-          Training Update

Barrie would like to work the times in relation to ages:

4pm: Jays and Jaguars

5pm: Jets and Jayhawks

6pm Jiants and Jaegers

Jaguars do not have many training in the Winter Comp due to a conflict of player sports so will look to include the Jaws at the 4pm timeslot.

Coaches to attend with their teams to assist Barrie with drills and teamwork. Times may depend on coaches availability for training. ‘



-          General Business

  • Sutherland’s new online system for payment (refer to email forwarded)

Sutherland is moving to an online payment system for the annual player registration. They will not be able to incorporate the club fee into this.

Sutherland players will be paying $30 per competition ($60 per year) as a competition enrolment fee and offered the same online process for Clubs.

JBC decided that it was too complicated to ask parents to pay Rego (annually) Court Fees (quarterly) and an Enrolment Fee (bi-yearly). The $60 would also be more than the current club fee Jannali offers players of $40.

The decision was made that JBC will take responsibility for the Club Fee (rather than the current system of Sutherland collecting it). The cost will be $75 and will be cover the club fee of $40 and the quarterly training fees (currently $10 per term). The $75 will bring a small reduction in cost to the parents of $5.

The transition will be as follows:

April 2019 (Winter Competition): Each team manager will collect $20 as Training Fee for term 2 and term 3. This money will be direct credit to the JBC Bank Account (details will be sent to each manager). Each manager in the description line will put Team Name and Number of Players.

Eg – Jaguars6

The new Annual Club Fee (which will incorporate the training fee for the entire year) will be payable at the beginning of Summer Competition (Term 4). Each player will direct credit the $75 to the JBC account. A $25 late fee will be imposed for late payments (more than 3 weeks from the beginning of term). Players will be given notice 2 weeks prior to the Term starting.

Possible online link that will make it easy for players to be investigated.

The new schedule of fees will be placed on the website.

New players this term are to pay the $40 club fee. An email to the new players will be sent with the banking details for payment.

Team Reports

A very good season from our new bottom age U14 girl’s team, a greatly varied range of skills within the team but great potential, needing to value possession of the ball along with the need to be potential shooters, scorers. Practice attendance very good. The Jays made the semis, losing to a very good Sutherland team and look forward to the Winter competition with new girls joining. B.M.
Potentially, one of our best U12 teams for a while, great ball handlers with some forwards who have the ability to score but practice attendance numbers hamper progress and organisation.
A group of mixed aged players, when all present enjoy practices and games but progress hampered by poor attendance at practices. New players needed to allow the team to progress, practise and develop for greater games participation.
A very talented group, incorrectly graded so the season was a tough one all round, team propped up by non practising guests, potentially our best group overall but needs stability and a couple of big kids to help with the load as the team has struggled with size and the ability to control, manage the ball for scoring opportunities. Matt and Barrie.
Excellent season by a new group that improves greatly each week, practice attendance recently a little varied, team has great potential and is a very coachable group, scoring without the dribble an issue but shooting form greatly improved, a great group of guards with forwards needing to get more involved. Looking forward to the Winter competition as we have a couple of new players. B.M.
Very good season, practice participation and attendance generally excellent, games affected by inconsistent scoring by all team members, offencive skills greatly improved, defencive play lacks real purpose but team work and camaraderie great. Have the ability to beat the ‘loaded’ Sutherland teams with valued ball possession.
Excellent season, practice attendance inconsistent which affects progress, team offencive play greatly improved, along with role understanding, individual and team defence improved but needs purpose, practice participation by the regulars was brilliant. B.M.
As the season progressed the boys definitely gelled more as a unit and played more as a team .They started to complement each other rather than playing one out. Defence was their major strength as they were able to frustrate most teams and make all our games a tight contest. Areas for improvement are around panicking and rushing the play rather than taking their time and controlling the tempo. Overall, all the boys improved their skills and competed really well against all competition. Karim Messi. Coach.

Link, Jade, Matt, Matt, Stuart, Karim are a group of coaches with the ideal approach and experience to work with our players.
Andrew, Melanie, Lauren, Kellie, Rowena, Kirsten, Aideen deserve sincere thanks for their roles with our teams as Managers.

Community Grant

It is the objective of JBC to keep costs to a minimum. Community grants for sporting organisations are currently on offer within the community and will be applied for in order to support and provide resources to club members.


A suggestion by the Woman’s team was to open the Gym on a Sunday afternoon for an afternoon scrimmage open to Senior Players, Junior Players and Parents. Junior players in the U14’s would need to be supervised by their parents. Parents who play and would like to have their team mates come along would be welcome as covered under SBA insurance.

Barrie will check with the school what time on a Sunday is available, thinking around 3pm for an hour. Cost for the hall would need to be covered or partially covered hence a gold coin donation would be requested by attendees.

Stacey Meadows would be available to open and close the Gym on the Sunday but needs to be publicised first and anyone interested to response. Once a time has been determined an email will be sent to Club Members for Expression of Interest.




Barrie to check with Jays if Training Fee has been paid and when

Kelly to transfer Jets $70 court fees into the account.

Kelly to email all Club Members re vacant positions

Kirsten to draft letter re Shorts and Training Shirts and Kay to send to Junior Club Members

Dianne to send Quickresponse Logo to Kelly for sharing on our Facebook Page

Kelly to email Jaws re their nomination and need for a Manager and Coach

Barrie to organise email for distribution to managers re changes to training times

Kelly to email managers re Training Fees for Winter Comp. A second email will be sent late in the Winter Comp re the new Annual Fee.

Kelly to investigate an online link for payment that would go direct to the bank account

Kelly to work on a Community Grant for this term.

Barrie to check with TJHS on Sunday availability.

Kelly to send an email to Club Members re the details of the Scrimmage and interest





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