Term 4 Meeting 2018 Minutes

JBC – Term 4 Minutes

Attendees: Barrie, Kirsten, Dianne, Kelly, Jamie

Apologies: Kay



  • Term invoice received from TJHS
  • Email from Aideen



-          Treasurer            (Jamie)

  • Training Fee Status – All teams are paid for T4/T1 except Jaguars (8) and the Jays (7) who will owe for T1.
  • Teams still not describing the money they are depositing. Email will be sent to the teams asking them to email Jamie when they send their money through.
  • Email from Team Managers at the beginning of the comp on how many train.
  • Balance as of 25/9  - $4618.54
  • Balance as of today - $5599.89
  • Incoming:            Training Fees                                 $580

Club Money                                   $866

BBQ – Presentation Day               $402.35

Shorts                                              $390

Basketballs                                    $50


  • Outgoing:           Gym Hire for Presentation           $58

                             Gym – Fee Hire                             $1232

                                Basketball Net                                   $17

  • Cheques written for presentation day – Kelly, Quick Response and Peter Slater for payments for the presentation day.



Register              (Kay)


  • Senior Team Nominations have not been paid for this competition. Stadium has not sent through any invoices or reminders. 3 nominations need to be paid for the summer comp.





Items for Discussion

-          JBC Committee Vacancies

  • President – still looking for this position to be filled. Will send out an email in the New Year seeking a volunteer from parents of the team.


-          Uniform Status

  • An order of assorted 25 shorts placed. Kirsten has a list of those waiting or needing new uniforms and will organise with team managers/players.
  • Spare Training Shirts for new players – email team managers to see if they have players that want to bring in their shirts if they are too small to pass down to younger players.
  • Confirmed that Junior girl kits/uniforms have been returned
  • Status of Sponsor Shirts – look at Bunnings BBQ to support them. Dianne will also keep an eye out for suppliers that are discontinuing stock. Possible T-shirt rather than long-sleeved?


-          New Teams Progress Update

  • U14 Girls Team – Jays
    • Doing well but not winning every game however improving each week. Working on fundamentals at training. Girls are 12 years old.
  • U16 Boys Team – Jets
    • Playing Div 3. Kids are fantastic and working well as a team. Are winning a lot of their games and have a lot of potential for the future.


-          End of Year Presentation

  • Feedback
    • Went well and good to see parent involvement
    • Only 4-5 players across the teams were not present


  • Review of Cost
    • Cost to club after BBQ and Basketball Sales was $346.51.
    • Next year look to get donations for some of the supplies (butcher)
    • Perpetual Trophies won’t need to be purchased so costs will be less


  • Payments to Suppliers
    • Cheques organised and distributed to Grays Point Trophies ($257), Quick Response ($334) and Kelly Merchant for sausages and award winner gifts ($157)


-          Training Update

  • Practice and Gym Use
    • 3 teams training at one practice session which is not working (4pm)
    • 2 teams at 5pm and 2 teams at 6pm
    • Training going well but player inconsistency makes team work hard.
    • Barrie working with all the teams and needs support at training to help with the teams. Email teams re having support
    • Possible use of the outside court? Will contact the school in Term 1.



-          General Business

  • Duties at the stadium and Court Fee payments (Jagaers)
    • U18 team has had 3 byes and U12 girls team has had 2 byes
    • Stadium is charging per term and not making adjustments for the byes
    • Dianne to speak with Julie in regards to this process.



  • Feedback from Jayhawks game last night (Barrie)
    • Team they versed did not play in the spirit of the game and did not play with respect to the players and the other team.
    • Michael Bills did not have control of the team. Barrie spoke to Annette and Michael about this but no resolution made on the day.


  • Problems with Mixed age Teams. NB Jaws (Barrie)
    • Top and Bottom age within the team. Jade (coach) has more younger players that are interested in coming across to JBC. Will need to look at finding some more top age children for the Winter Comp (Year 7 age)


  • Barrie re no feedback from the board re Junior Rep Selection
    • A month ago Barrie wrote to the board in regards to the appointment process for the rep coaches in regards to the selection/non selection of two that were of merit.
    • Stadium did not reply – no correspondence to say that the email would be tabled in the next meeting.
    • Dianne updated: Barrie’s email was tabled in the meeting last week and outcome was that the interviews were not done in the right way as information was leaked as a result the association has decided that the next lot of interview process will be reviewed.
    • Correspondence to be sent to Barrie from the Association before the end of the year.


End of Meeting: 8.53pm




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