Term 1 Meeting 2018 Minutes

Term 1, 2018                          20th March, 2018 @7.30pm

JBC Minutes


Attendees: M. Diallo, K. Peterson, D. Murtargh, J. Tennant, K. Merchant, B.Meadows

Apologies: K. Meadows


President Update:

Confirming we have 6 boys teams with all competitions relatively strong. There are 2 girls teams however in the Winter comp we will struggle to keep the two teams.


Treasure Update:

Balance $4424.46

Money out includes Training Shirts, Shorts and Competition Fees.

Money in includes Club Fees, Shorts and Donation of $500


Money in and out for Shorts has been messy – would prefer in the future that money and shorts transfer in the one transaction.

Jaguars – waiting on smaller pairs to come in. 3 players have their shorts and other 3 don’t. Suggest to pay for the 3 we have collected from.


Training Money – it has been difficult to register who has paid for what as money is sent in without a description. Need to ask Managers to include Team Name and Payment Description.

Term 1 fees have been late coming in – think it might be easier if we pay for two terms in a row (to cover the entire season). Suggest that mangers can then ask for court fees and training fees in one hit (rather than asking parents for two sets of money).


Registrar Update:

New season – Seniors 9th April and Juniors 30th April

Nominations for winter competitions should be sent out to the managers from the stadium and return to Club Secretary


7 Junior Teams registered – Jaguars (U12), Gold Rush (U12), Jaws (U12/14), Jayhawks (U12/14), Jaegars (U16) and Jiants (U16)

Jinks (U16/18G)


4 Senior Teams – Comebacks (Wed W), Jumbucks (Wed M), Jaystars (Wed W) and Jeffs (Wed M)


Junior Teams will not pay a nomination fee for the Winter Competion

Senior Teams will pay a nomination fee but this will be covered by the club and included in the players club fee.






General Business:

U18 parent vs Stadium staff incidence

A parent from the U18G team had an alteration with stadium staff (Annette, Sue and Michael).

The stadium has not esculated the issue to the club and it has been decided that we will not pursue the matter if the association is not concerned.

Barrie expressed his dissatisfaction that the Association hasn’t made correspondence in regards to any action. He feels this is the 3rd time in 5 years that there has been an incident with no action and is disappointed.


Sponsored Tees

Managers are encouraged to have players wear the shirts in the Winter comp.

Dianne will do a stocktake of sizes.

New players are welcome to take a training shirt.


AGM Planning

Suggest an email is sent advising of the upcoming AGM and request for volunteers.

Kara has advised that she needs to step down as President and this position will become open.

Decision to delete Peter Fisher and Kathy Ismay from the committee listing and website contact.

Date to be decided


Other Business

-        Flynn (U16 Div 3) has been made captain of the Rep Team for Sutherland Shire

-        Matt Ismay has a new job, working 9am to 5pm. Need to look at the possibility of changing training times.

-        Thoughts around a Participation/Award Night for 2018  - end of Winter Comp. Look at possibility of awards for Players Player, Coaches Award and a 5 year and 10 year recognition.


Meeting Ended 8.35pm

Next Meeting: 26th June, 2018



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