Term 3 Meeting 2017 Minutes

Tuesday September 5 2017

ATTENDANCE: K.Petersen, M.Diallo, D.Murtagh, J.Tennent, B.Meadows.
APOLOGIES: P.Fisher, K.Merchant, K.Meadows.

1. President’s Remarks: Congratulations to Peter Fisher on the success of the U18 Rep team, that contains a number of Jannali players.
2. Previous Minutes: Jannali H.S. has been provided with the A.B.N. number along with the Indemnity Insurance.
3. Correspondence:
(A) Term invoice from T.J.H.S. It was incorrect, has been returned to the school for adjustment.
(B) Correspondence by Barrie to the Association re admission to games at the stadium, not acknowledged by the Association.
4. Reports:
(A) President. Nil to report.
(B) Treasurer:    Balance 23/5/17 $3862:96
                        Balance: 5/9/17 $3557:96
(C) Registrar: similar report to last meeting, many reregistrations of current members.
(D) Other:
            1. Practices: at the gymn going very well, significant improvement noted in all teams. Special  thanks to Matt for his continued efforts with all three hours, 7 groups of practices.
            2. Some 53 children at practices Tuesdays, teams look good for the Term 4 comps at Sutherland.
            3. The U14 Jiants are doing well, recent great wins vs Association teams.
            4. U18 Jazz girls: a mixed team of non rep players, do not train but play to the best of their ability.
            5. Jaegers improved out of sight due to practices; playing vs kids a year older and acquitting themselves well.
            6. We recognise the great work Matt Ismay does for the teams, unless he has a game he is at the three hours of practice Tuesdays and helps with all six teams, including his own.
            7. Starting next week the practice hours will be split up into the teams for Term 4.          
5. General Business:
(A) Finances: is the Term practice fee helping? Yes and no complaints re the fee payment.
(B) Fee collection Term 4: letter to be drafted, recommendation that the Managers collect the Term fee and give to Jamie, present system taking too long.
(C) Present practice fee almost pays for the gym hire, about $100:00 short.
(D) Teams for term 4, Kelly looking into nomination forms.
(E) Uniforms:
            1. To tidy up the wearing of uniforms for the new competition.
            2. Uniforms to be collected/handed in straight after the team’s last game; Manager’s responsibility to chase up the outstanding uniforms. This is our annual stocktake.
            3. Barrie/Dianne to co-ordinate the order of new shorts.
            4. Tuesday October 3: new gear bag etc organisation at Diannes’.
            5. There are ample sets/sizes for the new teams.
(F) Sponsorships: Barry Douglas, D.L. Furnishings and Matt King, McGrath Real Estate St. George have offered sponsorships. Dianne/Barrie will organise the details and order the L.S. Tee that will feature the sponsorship details for the companies.
(G) International games at the stadium:
            1. Payment at the door was poorly managed.
            2. No Australian flag on show in the stadium.
            3. American flag held up by staff members.
            4. Extremely poor attendance for the Flames game.
            5. Poorly promoted: it would have been great to get our kids along to the men’s Oklahoma Sooners game, but it was not advertised adequately.
(H) Senior teams: two seasons ago the super league programme ruined the girl’s programme and this is being reconsidered, including an U20 or similar competition. We will have a number of girls who will turn 18 in 2018 and we need to make provision for them to play, seniors?
(I) Barrie to investigate another date for a fund raiser at Bunnings.

The meeting closed at 9:40 pm.
Next meeting Christmas Meeting November 21, 2017, 7:30 pm.
Kelly requested to invite all coaches, managers and new parents for nibblies etc.


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