Term 2 Meeting 2017 Minutes


Committee Meeting




Date: Tuesday 23rd May 2017 (Term 2)

Time: 7.00pm

Attendees: B.Meadows,  J. Tennent, D.Murtagh, K.Peterson, K.Merchant, M.Diallo

Apologies: P.Fisher, K.Meadows



  1. President’s Remarks: 

Congratulations to Barrie and Kay on their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Peter Firsher’s U18 Rep team is doing well and has won all of their games

Jaegers are in the Div 3 Under 16/18 competition and have won the first 4 games of the season.

      2. Previous Minutes (Term 2)-  Were read out and approved.

3. Correspondence:

Janalli High School is seeking an ABN from the club. Kelly is working on it but it is taking some time. As the club does not fit the criteria for needing an ABN it is a longer process of finding the person to talk to that can understand the reason why it is needed. Kelly is working on it and has until the end of term.


4. Reports:

  1. A.     Treasurer  -  Balance as at 23/5/2017                      $3800.62 ($3770.96 @ 22/2)

Comp fees are still to come for Summer and Winter Seasons as well as Term Gym Fee ($460)

Practice/Training Fee of approx. $150 is still to come in for the club. Barrie, Jamie and Kelly chasing.

Non player rego/insurance still needs to be organised. Barrie will look into this.

  • Ø  Kelly to send an email to the Team Managers to forward to their teams re this new change.


  1. B.     Registrar  - Individual registrations are the same as last meeting. We have a senior woman’s team now in the Winter Comp, playing on a Wed night. There are 15-20 new kids at training.


5. General Business

  • Team lists distributed for boys training
  • Kara to phone Vial family re twins for Under 9 competition
  • Ashlyn Robb to begin volunteering to help Barrie and Mat at 4-5pm training session.
  • Discussion re problems at the stadium that Dianne will discuss with Julie
    • §  Uniforms
    • §  Quality of refereeing
    • §  Lack of parent supervision and bench duty
    • Tuesday training requires those that train to bring their own basketball balls.
    • Barrie will not be at training next week due to a medical procedure. Matt will take the training.
    • Reminder that all kits to be collected at the end of the season for audit.


End of Meeting  9.27pm


Term 3 Meeting Tuesday August 22nd @ 7.30pm


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