Term 1 Meeting 2017 Minutes



Date: Tuesday 21st February 2017 (Term 1)

Time: 7.00pm

Attendees: B.Meadows,  J. Tennent, D.Murtagh, K.Peterson, K.Merchant, M.Diallo, K.Meadows

Apologies: P.Fisher



  1. President’s Remarks: 

Welcome back to Barrie after his operations.

Comments on the junior teams showed that they are all improving in their skills and adjusting to their new competition. Of the boys teams,  Jaegars are now in U16’s, Jiants and Jayhawks moved up a division and the Jaguars started in U12.

The three girls teams – Jazz, Jinks and Jaystars are doing well with Jazz losing their strongest player but still having close games. The Division 1 competition for the Jinks and Jaystars is going well with approx. 6 teams.

      2. Previous Minutes (Term 2)-  Were read out and approved.

3. Correspondence:

No correspondence was reported.


4. Reports:

  1. A.     Treasurer  -  Balance as at 4/1/2017                        $3470

Amount In since Oct 11th: $ (shorts and club fees)                                                            $1042

Amount Out since Oct 11th: $1232 (Court Hire, Basketballs)                                          $988

Discussion was had around Club Fees and Gym Cost and determined that the club is currently going backwards by approx. $200 per year.

Proposed to charge a training fee to cover the loss - $10 per child per term for training to be paid at training on the first week of each term. This will be implemented for Term 2 2017.

  • Ø  Kelly to send an email to the Team Managers to forward to their teams re this new change.


  1. B.     Registrar  -

Updated Office bearer contact sheet distributed.

Kay has noticed that some of the Junior boys (approx. 3) are not registered under Jannali. She will check their details at Sutherland and see if they are registered at all and if they have played club fees.


5. General Business

a)     Recruitment of Players

We have one mixed age junior team of 8 players (Jaguars) and ideally this team would be split into age appropriate teams. For this to occur recruitment of 8,9 and 10 year boys is required.

Focus would be on having them come to training on Tuesday and develop their skills for inclusion into the Summer Comp in Term 4 2017.

Currently have two, possibly 3 boys training not in a team, if we could find 4 more players prior to next comp we could put a second team in for the Winter Comp at Sutherland.

  • Ø  Barrie will approach Oyster Bay Public School (last try we recruited one boy – Darcy who is currently training)
  • Ø  Kara was approached by a parent from Gymea Bay PS and her son is also coming to training. There are also twin boys (8 years) that could possibly train. Danyan came to training on 14/2 but did not return 21/2.
  • Ø  Kade Tawfiq has a brother in the Jayhawks and Kade was playing in the Menai comp, now interested in playing for Jannali.
  • Ø  Jaimie will make contact with Como West PS who have a good basketball team in PSSA. John Suva may be able to provide a contact into the school. Barrie will also talk with Brendan Wall (area co-ordinator PSSA) re Como contact.
  • Ø  Kelly has a flyer ready to be sent out when and if needed.

A coach and manager for any new teams would be required. Possible that Kade Tawfiq’s father would be willing to take on a coaching role.

Those that come to training for Learn to Play will need to register as per the Sutherland run Learn to Play system. Forms can be collected from Sutherland Stadium and will need to be given to those coming for training only to cover for insurance.


b)     Money into the Club

As mentioned previously a training fee will be brought in for the teams to ensure the club is not losing money and able to provide court hire.

Dianne is looking into grants that the club can apply for to help finance the court hire and equipment required.

c)      Uniforms

Dianne confirmed we have 4 full sets of uniform and spare singlets.

Small short sizes are limited. If a second junior team is set up we may need to purchase more small size shorts.

In October a recall of uniforms and kit bags will be required. At this time each team should be given a size up in singlets.


End of Meeting  9.10pm




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