Dubbo Australian Football Club
The Demons
Established in 1981
South Dubbo Oval - Boundary Rd.
Training is on Tuesday and Thursday at 6.00pm
2025 Dubbo Demons Club President
Kaitlyn (Speedy) Waldie
Email: kaitlyn.waldie@gmail.com
Dubbo Junior AFL
Under 12s. Under14s, Youth Girls and Under 17s teams play on Sundays in the Central West competition
South Dubbo Tavern
Cnr Boundary Rd & Fitzroy St.
Great Bistro, Beer Garden & Family Friendly Atmosphere
The Dubbo Demons home ground is at South Dubbo Oval (next to South Dubbo High School) in Boundary Road.
Coming from Wellington on the Mitchell Hwy (Cobra St.) turn left at the traffic lights at Fitzroy St. and then left at the South Dubbo Tavern (Boundary Rd.). Go to this link for a map - http://goo.gl/maps/lBLNN
Dubbo Auskick Program
Each Thursday afternoon from 5pm at South Dubbo Oval
The Dubbo Demons are a Gold Medal Accrediited Club in the Good Sports Program.
We encourage players and supporters over the age of 18 years to drink responsibly. We discorage smoking by players as it bad for your health and affects sporting performance.
- Play by the rules – the rules of your Club and the laws of the game.
- Attend training sessions and matches at times advised by the Club. If unable, for a valid reason to do so, players will inform the Club as soon, as is practical.
- Act respectfully toward the officials and players of their own and opposing Clubs.
- Respect and follow the directions of coaching staff, match and club officials.
- Treat all players with respect, as you would want them to treat you.
- Act respectfully towards match officials at all times. Abusive language is unacceptable.
- Avoid individual or collective behaviour, which may reasonably be held by spectators to be offensive.
- Avoid all acts likely to incite spectators to violence or disorder.
- Make no detrimental statements in public (radio, television, print or electronic media) in respect to the performance of any match officials, players, or any policy decisions of the Club or the CWAFL.
- Abide by the By-Laws, (Rules & Regulations) and the Competition Rules of the AFL and CWAFL.
- Respect the facilities and equipment of their own and opposing Clubs.
- Do not use remarks based on race, religion, gender or ability as many such comments are politically incorrect and it is your coach, team-mates, Club and family that are let down with such remarks.
- Do not use information technology to make or post inappropriate comments against players, clubs, club officials, match officials or the League which is discriminatory or offensive. Information technology includes, but is not limited to, email, instant messaging, text messages, phone messages, digital images, website postings (including social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs).