northside fUTSal club Scholarship Award Program
In conjunction with UTS Sport, UTS Northside Futsal Club is pleased to announce the establishment of an additional UTS Elite Athlete Program annual scholarship, recognising the sporting talents of two players from the UTS Northside Futsal Club that apply and are ultimately accepted into the UTS Elite Athlete Program. The scholarship amount of $1,000 is in addition to any other arrangements that might apply.
The combination of elite sport and University education is difficult to say the least, and it takes a very special kind of person to excel in both.
For the scholarship to be AWARDED (maximum x2) Northside Futsal Club players:
I. Must be a registered UTS Northside Futsal Club Player for the 2017-18 season
II. Must apply and be accepted for a place at University Technology Sydney (UTS) in 2018
III. Must apply and be accepted into the UTS Elite Athlete Program for 2018
IV. Must submit a complimentary application to the UTS Northside Futsal Club no later than 31st January 2018 explaining why the scholarship to UTS and entry to the Elite Athlete Program is deserved
V. Subject to UTS confirmed start at the University, the scholarship/s to be awarded at the UTS Northside Futsal Club end of Season presentation & awards evening (March 2018).
In RETURN, the recipients of the Scholarships are expected to:
I. Allow photos of the award presentation, accompanied by a short write up to be posted on the UTS Northside Futsal Club website & social media plus the UTS Sport Facebook page
II. Attend and represent Futsal on the Futsal stand at the UTS O (Orientation) Day and Clubs Day events
III. Represent UTS and compete in the Futsal competition at the 2018 University Games in the capacity of at least one of three roles… Player, Coach or Manager
IV. As the UTS Northside Futsal Club playing squad is selected on merit each year, winning the scholarship does not automatically mean selection for the following season however, if selected to represent the club for the following 2018-19 season, there is the further benefit of a $0.00 registration fee.
More information on UTS and the UTS Elite Athlete Program initiative is available at:
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