UTS Northside Futsal Club (UTS NFC) 2016-17 Home Game Venue
Whilst it was originally expected that we would be playing our last two games of this season at the new centre but due to delays in construction, this is no longer possible, but it’s not all bad. With the support of Geoff Yates, the PCYC Regional Manager, we have managed to secure an alternative PCYC venue for this seasons rounds 13 & 14, which will be played out of the recently renovated PCYC managed sports centre at Marrickville, providing an ideal opportunity to build on the relationship with PCYC and cement working arrangements for the following season.
For the rest of our home games this season, they will be played out of Sydney Boys High School Stadium at Moore Park (Rounds 8 through 12).
If you want to know more about the new PCYC centre at Dee Why, take a look at the concept video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90g5DLs6zAk&feature=player_embedded
Much the same as the UTS Northside Futsal Club, PCYC is an organisation that is inclusive with a keen focus on community, so we have much in common and who knows where this might lead. More news for the 2017-18 season to follow… watch this space.
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