Club Presentation & Awards 13th March 2016 - RAFFLE
Come along and join the rest of your team mates to celebrate our 2015-16 season.
Date: Sunday 13th March 2016
Time: 5.30pm for a prompt 6pm start (appx finish 8pm - 8.30pm)
Where: Seaforth Bowling Club, 39 Kirkwood Street Seaforth
Food: Food will be provided (players only)
Bar: Bar facilities are available for parents and supporters aged 18 and over.
On the evening there will be a RAFFLE for the Futsalroo #9 shirt worn at the recent AFC Championship where Australia secured their ticket for the FIFA Futsal World Cup in Colombia later this year. This shirt is not only special as it was worn by UTS's own Grant Lynch, but it has also been signed by each of the players in the squad.
Raffle tickets will be sold on the evening... who is going to be lucky enough to own this unique item of sports Memorabilia?
2nd & 3rd prizes are UTS Sports Packs.
All proceeds from the raffle are channelled back into your club, so your support really is appreciated.
Comment Guidelines: The SportsTG Network is made up of players, families and passionate sports followers like you who have a strong opinion about sport. That's great - we want you to have your say and share your thoughts with the world. However, we have a few rules that you must follow to keep it fun for all. Please don't be rude, abusive, swear or vilify others. Apart from some pretty serious sport sanctions, we also can ban you and report you if things get out of hand. So play fair and have fun, and thanks for your contribution.