CCFC Code of Conduct and Champions Creed

Capricorn Coast Football Club Code of Conduct

. 6


The "Champion's Creed"


Champions get up one more time than they have been knocked down.

Champions give their all, no matter the score.

Champions do what is right, even when it hurts.

Champions know winning is not necessarily measured by the final score.

Champions take a stand for what is right, even when they stand alone.

Champions see every challenge as an opportunity.

Champions make those around them better.

Champions do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

Champions dedicate themselves to prepare for success.

Champions put the success of others above individual achievement.

Champions understand winning is not the only thing.

Champions live by a higher personal standard.

Champions stand firm when others around them fall.

Champions live by what they speak and speak what they live.

Champions lay down their own desires for the benefit of others.

Champions willingly accept responsibility, and graciously deflect honour.

Champions never sacrifice what is best for something good.

Champions may fail…but they never quit.


Player Code of Conduct:

We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. As a player, you have a big part to play. This is why CCFC (Capricorn Coast Football Club) is asking every player to follow a Code of Conduct.

Players are the most important people in the sport of football. Playing for enjoyment as a member of a team is the most fundamental part of the game. Whilst winning is the objective, it is not to be achieved at any cost – fair play and respect for all others in the game is essential.

This Code focuses on players involved in team football. Nevertheless, the key concepts in the Code are valid for players at all levels.

When representing CCFC, you will:

  • Play football to enjoy yourself and accept that striving to win is more important than winning itself. Victory and defeat are inevitable, and should be accepted equally.
  • Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game, even if your team is in a position where the desired result has already been achieved.
  • Make every effort to develop your own sporting abilities in terms of skill, technique, tactics and stamina.
  • Consistently display high standards of behaviour
  • Avoid anything adverse that may influence the reputation of our club – this includes behaviour outside our club.
  • Play fairly – you will not cheat, complain, or waste time.
  • Set a positive example for others, particularly young players and supporters.
  • Be a good sport – Applaud all good plays whether they be by your team or another.
  • Display a good attitude at training and on match days.
  • Remove all jewellery prior to taking part in matches or training.
  • Wear shin pads during matches and training
  • Not eat or chew during matches or training
  • Arrive at games in appropriate attire (U5 – U11: orange club shirt, U12 – U16: club polo shirt, Seniors: club polo shirt, long black dress pants & black shoes)
  • Turn up for matches in advance of kick-off and training as directed by the team manager.
  • Always wear the correct CCFC playing kit
  • Agree to only wear your playing kit for games. Acknowledge that playing kits are property of the club and any person wearing them outside of game times will face the possibility of club-imposed consequences.
  • Wear football boots that are in a good and safe condition
  • Inform the coach when you have an injury.
  • Pay any subscriptions or fees on time.
  • Respect your team-mates, the other team, the referee and your coach/manager.
  • Listen and respond to what your coach/team manager tells you
  • Play by the rules, as directed by the referee and in compliance with the FIFA laws of the game
  • Never argue with an official. If you disagree, discuss the matter with your coach after the game
  • Control your temper - Verbal abuse of officials, other players or provoking an opponent is not acceptable.
  • Not use offensive, abusive or insulting remarks toward any other player, official or parent
  • Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game
  • Talk to a club official if you are unhappy about anything at your club
  • Support, respect and uphold all club sponsors and their establishment
  • Not make any negative comments in any form of media towards CCFC, Football CQ or any other parent, player or official.
  • Not use drugs, consume alcohol or use a banned substance before or during a match or training session.


Parents and Spectators Code of Conduct

Parents have a great influence on children’s enjoyment and success in football. Children play football because they first and foremost love the game – its fun. It is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football, positive encouragement will contribute to:

  • children enjoying football
  • a sense of personal achievement
  • self-esteem
  • improving the child’s skills and techniques

A parent’s expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards other players, officials, managers and parents.

Parents should:

  • Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, never condone violations of the laws of the game or exhibit behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws of the game
  • Remember that children should be playing football primarily for their own enjoyment. Do not put pressure on the children
  • Place the well-being and safety of each player above all other considerations
  • Encourage their child, and others, or be quiet. Praise effort and performance, not results
  • Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
  • Stand well back when watching matches and stay behind any barriers or lines that are designated for that purpose and do not stand behind the goals
  • Not use offensive, abusive or insulting remarks towards any player, official or parent
  • Develop an appropriate supportive relationship with both the manager/coach and their child based on mutual trust and respect
  • Seek clarification of exactly what is expected of them and what they are entitled to expect from the coach
  • Discuss any concerns about training or matches with the coach or manager in private
  • Respect the referees decisions at all times and avoid words or actions which may mislead a Match Official
  • Ensure that their child arrives at the designated location for matches or training at the time requested by the manager or coach
  • Inform the manager if there has been a change in your child’s medical condition
  • Ensure that the suitable playing kit is worn by their child
  • Keep club facilities, including playing kit, in good condition
  • Pay any subscriptions or fees on time
  • Provide assistance to the manager, in whatever capacity is required
  • Support the coach’s decisions and discuss any concerns directly with the coach

Coaches, Managers and Club Officials Code of Conduct

 As a coach you will be in a position of great responsibility in the development of the players you work with - both in terms of personal and football development. You will inevitably be a role model, especially for the younger age groups, so it is important that you take your responsibilities seriously and conduct yourself accordingly at all times. The attitude and behaviours you exhibit will set the tone for the players and parents you work with.

You will be responsible for the sporting and football development of the players and largely responsible for their continued enjoyment of the game. It is important that the enjoyment of the game is paramount at all times.

Coaches and Managers should:

  • Not put undue pressure on the player. Remember that football is for enjoyment - not to fulfil any personal ambitions you may have
  • Always respect their players - never harass, abuse, or otherwise humiliate the player
  • Exhibit good sportsmanship at all times, never condone violations of the laws of the game or exhibit behaviour contrary to the spirit of the laws of the game
  • Always have the correct equipment available and ensure it is in a safe and clean condition
  • Always have a first-aid kit and water available even at training
  • Make themselves available to attend suitable training courses as required to maintain coaching, development and safety standards
  • Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
  • Not attempt to control or direct the game from the sideline in an un-constructive manner.
  • Always arrive before the designated time of arrival of the players at both match and training events, or make suitable alternative provision
  • Show no favouritism
  • Always be honest with players, parents, guardians and officials
  • Not display offensive, abusive or insulting remarks toward any player, official, or parent
  • Understand and abide by the laws, rules and spirit of the game and any competition in which you participate
  • Always respect the decisions of the referee and avoid words or actions which may mislead a Match Official
  • Always look for and encourage positive attributes or performance and effort
  • Not smoke or drink alcohol prior to or during match or training events
  • Maintain a clean and suitably attired physical appearance
  • Comply with club attire (club polo shirt with long black pants or appropriate attire considering weather conditions) during matches
  • Avoid being alone with individual children, especially in enclosed areas
  • Comply with all Blue Card requirements when dealing with children


Breach of the Code of Conduct

I understand that if I do not follow the Code, any/all of the following actions may be taken by my club

I may:

•Be required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, team manager or referee

• Receive a formal warning from the coach or the club committee

• Be dropped or substituted

• Be suspended from training

• Be required to leave the club without refund or reimbursement


In addition:

• CCFC may make my parent or carer aware of any infringements of the Code of Conduct

• Football CQ or Football QLD could impose a fine and suspension against my club which I could be required to pay. 


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