Coaches Meetings for Summer Season

Hi Coaches

Coaches meetings for the slection of Summer Season Teams will be held as follows:

1. Altona Boys and Westgate Teams - Either Monday 8th Sept or Wednesday 10th Sept.  An email to coaches will confirm the date and in the coming days.

2. Altona Girls - Monday 15 Sept

Our registrars will be in touch shortly to organise the meetings.



Preparation will ensure these meetings run smoothly and quickly.  Therefore, we ask all the coaches to complete the "Intent Form" attached at the bottom of this page. You will see the form is very simple, you just need to ask if the players and officials in your team intend to play or official again next season, complete this form and send it in.

Please send the completed form to:

1. Westgate & Altona Boys -  and

2. Girls -  and

Please complete and send these forms in by Wednesday the 3rd of September.



In regards to team selection, Williamstown Magic has the following philosophies:

1) We do try to keep freindship groups and teams that work well together.  This level basketball is about learning the game and having fun, so we believe this generally happens best in friendship groups.  We cannot gaurantee this will always occur, but we do try.  Sometimes we do need a little flexibility from our teams, coaches and managers for the following reasons.

2) We do try to have players playing in their appropriate skill level/division.  We do believe if players are in a division where the standard is either too great or too easy, they generally lose enthusiasm and their basketball suffers.  Sometimes this can clash with the first objective, we do take the first objective into account.

3) We do try to have between 7 to 8 players per team.  We don't like to have one team short with say 5-6 players and another team in the same age group with say 9 players.  We are a club, not just a group of teams which means occasionally we need to find a player to move teams for team balance purposes.  If we can get 7-8 per team, this means all players will get sufficient court time to learn and enjoy their basketball.

4) We do try and give all comers a game. This can sometimes mean adding new players to established teams or changing teams to make several teams in order to give all children that would like to play a game.  We do not want to turn children away from basketball because we cannot find a team, at Magic we do believe sport is an important part of growing up.

5) We do have association rules we need to follow also, so we obviously have to apply them.



Any questions on registration, do contact either:

Michael Wade - Junior Boys Registrar

Ruth Patterson - Senior Boys (U16 & U18) Registrar

Iain Dunn - Westgate Registrar and Vice President

Gerard Buckle - Fill in Girls Registrar and President.

You will find our contact details on the website.



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