FFV Article Features FC Williamstown

FC Williamstown was recently featured in FFV's substantial online article "Victorian clubs stand up to racism". The whole passage on FC Williamstown (quoting Club President Roger Corry) reads:

“We are proud that our club was founded over 30 years ago by a group originally from the Yugoslavia region and now has a truly multicultural membership," said FC Williamstown president Roger Corry.

"It is simply unacceptable that some people use race to intimidate and we fully support and wish to be part of FFV and Vic Health’s campaign to push racism out of our sport.

“In taking the pledge, many members of our club have expressed that they are really glad and support the club in playing it’s part in the campaign, and in dealing with any issues which arise which we can address. It seems a lot of people have experience of witnessing or suffering racism and want it stamped out.”

To read the entire article, please click here


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