Committee and Game Day Roles


1.            The Committee  4

1.1        The Executive Committee. 4

1.2        Sub-Committees. 4

1.3        Job Descriptions. 4

1.3.1         The Executive Committee. 4

1.3.2         President4

1.3.3.       Vice-President5

1.3.4.       Secretary. 5

1.3.5.       Treasurer5

1.3.6.       Junior Coordinator5

1.3.7.       Rooball Coordinator6

1.3.8.       Canteen Manager6

1.3.9.       Equipment Manager6

1.3.10.          Grounds Manager6

1.3.11.          Publicity Officer7

1.3.12.          Registrar7

1.3.13.          Special Events Coordinator7

1.3.14.     Website Editor8

2.       TEAM MANAGER.. 8

2.1.       Function of a Team Manager8

2.2.       Responsibilities of the Team Manager8

2.2.1.        Interface to the Club. 8

2.2.2.       Information to Players/Parents. 8

2.2.3.       Player Registration. 8

2.2.4.        Season Fixtures. 9

2.2.5.       Team Uniforms. 9

2.2.6.        First Aid Kits. 9

2.2.7.       Fundraising. 9

2.2.8.       Club Awards. 9

2.2.9.       Assigning Votes. 10

2.2.10.     Vote Counting. 10

2.2.11.          Presentation Night/Day. 10

2.3.       Training Nights. 10

2.3.1.        Equipment10

2.3.2.       Confirmation of Weekend Match. 10

2.4.       Game Days. 10

2.4.1.       Half Time Refreshments. 10

2.4.2.       Home Matches. 11

2.4.3.       Team Sheets. 11

2.4.4.       Match Ball11

2.4.5.       Match officials. 11

2.4.6.       Notifying the Club of Match Results. 11

2.4.8.       Notifying the BASL of Match Results. 11

2.5.       Club Room Duties (HOME MATCHES ONLY)12

3,       Ground Marshal Duties. 12

4.       Other Match Day Roles. 12

4.1        Ground Set Up. 12

4.2        Ground Packing Up. 12

4.3        Linesman. 12

1.       The Committee


The purpose of this section is to assist in defining the organisational structure and responsibilities of a committee and subordinate sub-committees of a club. This section is an attempt to provide a clear definition of the committee’s role and responsibilities on both a collective and individual basis.


Since the club is not a static organisation, it is anticipated and expected that this document will be reviewed annually by to meet the changing environment and requirements of the club.


1.1       The Executive Committee

Club members at the club’s annual general meeting elect the Club Committee. This committee is made up of four (4) executive officers and numerous ordinary members. The club committee meets formally on a monthly basis and has overall responsibility for the organisation and running of a club. All requests for change must be presented to the committee who then will consider the information and make their decisions.


1.2       Sub-Committees

Sub-committees may be formed and perpetuated or disbanded at the discretion of the club

Committee. Although a club committee member must chair each sub-committee, any interested person may be appointed by the committee to fill a sub-committee position. A Sub-committee chairperson should ensure that members of the Club committee are fully informed about subcommittee activities.


1.3       Job Descriptions

1.3.1                The Executive Committee

The Executive Committee should consist of four officers, the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The following are some of the activities that are conducted by a clubs Executive Committee:

1.             Allocation of jobs and responsibilities: Job allocation must be determined as soon as possible after the Annual General Meeting each year and before the first Meeting of the club committee.

2.             Coordination of activities: This refers to all sub-committees and committee members with specific responsibilities.

3              Calendar of events: Maintenance of a diary of all activities & events that involve the club as whole and / or individual teams within the club.

4.             Disciplinary Matters: Investigation of all disciplinary matters and determination of penalties to be imposed upon members who are deemed to have acted contrary to the best interest of the club.

5.             Pitch allocation: Allocation of pitches for all official league matches, friendly and practice matches at the club’s home ground. One member of the executive committee should be responsible for accepting and controlling ground bookings for all unofficial and practice games at the club’s grounds and for allocating pitches for all official home games during the league season. It is advised that all ground allocations for the season be entered in the calendar of events.

6.             Canteen Duty: A canteen roster is recommended to ensure the club canteen is profitable throughout the season. It is ideal that this works in conjunction with the club’s pitch allocation and match days to ensure viability


The following will briefly describe the job of each of the four Executive Committee members.

1.3.2                President

The club President is responsible for:

1.             The overall coordination of all committee and sub-committee activities. The President has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all committee members and sub-committee carry out their assigned duties and responsibilities.

2.             Preparing the agenda for committee meetings and the conduct during committee meetings, the AGM, coach and manager meetings etc.

3.             Representing the Club (with the secretary) at all FFV, Junior League and Regional meetings.


1.3.3.   Vice-President

The Vice-President is responsible for:

1.             Assumption of all duties and activities for the Club normally handled by the President, on those occasions when the president is unavailable.

1.3.4.   Secretary

The secretary is responsible for:

1.             Collection of mail from the clubs Post Office. In the period prior to the start of the football season the PO Box should be checked daily for all correspondence regarding changes to fixtures, information and accounts.

2.             Processing of all incoming and outgoing correspondence between the Club and BASL, other clubs and other organisations and individuals. All information that is received must be distributed to appropriate parties. This correspondence needs to be reported to committee members at the monthly meetings.

3.             Preparation of all team fixtures for all teams. These fixtures should be distributed to all parties involved in running the club i.e. committee member’s, team managers, canteen staff, ground manager and coordinators of the junior teams.

4.             Preparation of club address lists; this should be distributed to all team managers, coaches and parents as well as committee members.

5.             Preparation of a list of all suggestions, offered by members and other interested parties for consideration by the committee.

6.             The issue of notices for committee, extraordinary and general meetings.

7.             Assisting the Registrar with the registration of teams with FFV/BASL after consultation with the coaching panel.

8.             Preparation of a list of coaches and team managers for the season.

1.3.5.   Treasurer

The Treasurer is responsible for:

1.             The maintenance of financial records and bank accounts. Bank reconciliation must be

maintained to ensure accuracy and control and to pick up sundry items such as bounced cheques and bank charges.

2.             Banking of all received money.

3.             Processing and verification of invoices and accounts presented by the club’s creditors, wherever possible, documentation supporting all transactions should be obtained for audit purposes. It is advised that expenditure of club monies be via cheques only and they should have the mandatory two signatures by at least two of the executive committee members. This allows for the auditors to easily track all money that goes in and out of the club account.

4.             Prepare a statement of accounts for each committee meeting showing all payment and receipt transactions since the previous meeting plus income and expenditure, accounts for the financial year to date.

5.             Preparation of annual accounts, prior to the annual general meeting, for inspection by the auditor. Headings for income & expenditure are historical which enables a comparison with prior years.

6.             Advising the committee on investment and budget strategies.

7.             Ensuring that all members are financial. Details of non-paid members can be obtained from the Secretary and the Registrar.


The following are a description of ordinary members that can be included on a clubs committee.

1.3.6.   Junior Coordinator

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.


The Junior Coordinator is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all teams in the under 11 to under 18 age groups, including:

1.             Liaison with the Coaching Director with regard to the selection of qualified candidates for junior teams coaching positions. Where ever possible coaches should have FFV coaching accreditation

2.             Allocation of players to junior teams in accordance with club policy.

3.             Selection of Team Managers.

4.             Making sure that coaches, managers and players are registered with the club and FFV.

5.             Liaisons with the Equipment officer to ensure that all teams in the group have sufficient equipment.

1.3.7.   Rooball Coordinator

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.


The Rooball Coordinator is responsible for the coordination and supervision of all teams in the under 8 to under 10 age groups, including:

1.             Liaison with the Coaching Director with regard to the selection of qualified candidates for Rooball teams coaching positions. Where ever possible coaches should have FFV coaching accreditation

2.             Allocation of players to Rooball teams in accordance with club policy.

3.             Selection of Team Managers.

4.             Making sure that coaches, managers and players are registered with the club and FFV.

5.             Liaisons with the Equipment officer to ensure that all teams in the group have sufficient equipment.


The roles of Junior and Rooball Coordinators are ideally undertaken by two different people but there are circumstances where this may not be possible therefore the committee should assist in anyway possible

1.3.8.   Canteen Manager

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.


The Canteen Manager is responsible for all activities related to the purchase of stock, cleanliness and maintenance of the club’s canteen as well as the preparation and distribution of a duty team roster.

1.             The canteen manager must ensure that full canteen operating instructions are distributed to each team manager prior to the start of the season

2.             During the week telephone all parties who are on duty on the upcoming weekend.

3.             Ensure that cash box, keys and all food supplies are delivered early on match days.

4.             All committee members who have no previous experience with canteen duty should spend time with the canteen managers to ensure they understand how to run the canteen.

5.             At the start of the season clean refrigerators, canteen area and stock room area.

6.             Stock requirements and a list of all suppliers are to be listed with contact details.

7.             First Aid Box

8.             Lost Property

9.             Barbecue and gas bottles.

10.           Food Preparation

11.           Other required items such as marker pens, receipt book, plastic whistles, tea towels, toilet paper, soap for toilets, detergents for cleaning etc.

1.3.9.   Equipment Manager

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.

The Equipment Manager is responsible for:

1.             Acquisition, maintenance and distribution of all Team strips. Replacement of missing shirts as necessary.

2.             Purchase, maintenance and distribution of team practice balls, cones, strips and bibs. It is advised that a log book/sign in book is used as a record for those using equipment.

3.             Purchase and maintenance of match balls for junior and open competition teams. Match balls are stored in the canteen and collected by the match official prior to the start of the match.

4.             Purchase and sale to members of socks, shorts, windcheaters, balls etc.

1.3.10.             Grounds Manager

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.

The Grounds Manager is responsible for:

1.             Marking out all pitches by treating grass prior to the start of the season. If the grounds have to be prepared prior to the beginning of the season, the Grounds Manager should liaise with the Secretary to contact the council and determine the earliest date that the ground preparation can commence.

2.             Maintenance of all grounds related equipment including goal posts, nets, corner flags, spikes, crowd control and parking ropes, lights, line marking equipment etc.

3.             Maintenance of adequate supplies of line marking material throughout the season.



a.             Cleaning of change rooms and toilets, including the supply of toilet paper, paper towels and soap.

b.             Cleaning of grounds after match days. All rubbish must be removed from the ground and the area around the pavilion must be kept clean.

c.             Distribution of keys and maintenance of a key register. Some of the keys may include a pavilion/club room key, canteen keys, gate key, PO Box key and these would need to be distributed to the appropriate members.

d.             Liaison with the Council, either directly or through the secretary, with regard to all matters relating to ground maintenance.

e.             All equipment (nets, posts, tables, chairs etc) must be removed from the pavilion/club room at the end of the season if grounds are used by other parties. Organisation of storage of all equipment is required in this case. If this is not required then all equipment should be accounted for and checked off.

1.3.11.             Publicity Officer

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.

The Publicity Officer of the Club is responsible for:

i.              Preparation & distribution of the newsletter.

ii.              Preparation and distribution of media releases.

iii.             Collation of junior team home games results and transmission of results to FFV as per their regulations.

iv.             Transmission of all junior team results to the Local Newspapers.

1.3.12.             Registrar

The Registrar is responsible for making sure that all players and team officials are registered with FFV/BASL as per their regulations.

The registrar is responsible for:

i.              Collecting FFA’s new Registration of Amateur Player Prescribed form 03 with the required supporting documentation and fees. Players should not be registered with FFV until full payment of fees has occurred.

ii.              Online registration of players and Teams via the FFV on-line registration system

iv.             Maintenance and entry of the Club database containing details of all players and team officials. Copies of the database should be distributed regularly to the club secretary and the club Publicity Officer.

1.3.13.             Special Events Coordinator

The committee member responsible for this position may, with the full approval of the Executive Committee, appoint interested parties to a sub-committee to assist in any of the responsibilities of this role.


The Special Events Coordinator is responsible for the planning and implementation of all fund raising activities and all social events for both parents and players. It is ideal the committee have a representative from each age group in the club.

The Special Events Coordinator is responsible for:

i.              Planning of events at the club. All planned events should be promptly reported to the

Executive, Committee and recorded in the events diary, The Publicity Officer must also be kept informed so that the social activities can be advertised in the newsletter.

ii.              The planning and implementation of all tournaments and gala days staged by the club.

iii.             The planning and implementation of the end of season trophy presentation day for sub-juniors and trophy night for juniors.

iv.             Purchase of all trophies for tournaments, gala days and end of season presentation day/night


All events need to be outlined to the Executive Committee for approval and to be recorded in the events calendar.


1.3.14.Website Editor


The Website Editor is responsible for making sure that all necessary information about the club and season is updated are required on the clubs website.

The Website Editor is responsible for:

  1. Updating the website weekly with results from all games
  2. Ensuring that necessary information about club functions, fundraising, player histories and information from BASL is on our website
  3. Ensuring that all team fixtures, coach and team manager details are included and correct.


The purpose of this section is to identify the responsibilities, accountability requirements and assist those that undertake the role as Team Manager. This document is recommended reading for Team managers and will be reviewed annually by FFV to meet the changing environment and requirements of a club.

2.1.                  Function of a Team Manager

A Team Manager is the person that assists and complements the coach by performing all administrative tasks required to run and maintain a successful team. Whilst the coach remains the ultimate authority in the team, the Team Manager nonetheless can have a significant influence in the way the team performs and behaves. Thus, a capable Team Manager can contribute to the on ground performance of the side. Consequently a good Team Manager will allow a coach to concentrate on coaching the players. This will ensure each player receives optimum attention and gives every player a chance to perform to the best of their ability.

2.2.                  Responsibilities of the Team Manager

2.2.1.               Interface to the Club

In general, the Team Manager is the primary point of contact between members of the team, parents and the Club. Matters other than team administrative issues should be referred to the coach. It is important that the Team Manager and Coach work as a team and agree among themselves the scope of each other’s duties.

2.2.2.   Information to Players/Parents

It is important that all players/parents receive, in a timely manner, information about matches or other Club activities. Timely information ensures the following:

i.              Players/Parents are able to schedule activities in advance.

ii.              Players/Parents should be given a complete fixture of matches. Have spare copies available during the season as fixtures are sometimes misplaced.

iii.             Parents and players cannot use the “I didn’t know” excuse.

iv.             Ask parents to let you know in advance if they are away for a weekend or going on holidays to help you in preparing a roster and so that the coach knows when a player is not available (Juniors Only)

2.2.3.   Player Registration

i.              Players register directly with the Club, via the Registrar, but once appointed, the Team Manager can help and assist in streamlining this process by ensuring that all required documents are completed and lodged with the Club.

ii.              All players are then registered with FFA through FFV

iii.             All players are required to fill out FFA’s Registration of Amateur Player prescribed form 03

iv.             Parents (Juniors) should complete any official club membership forms

v.             Once the registrar and the team managers have gathered all registrations, these players are then registered with the FFV via the on-line system prior to the commencement of the season, and an FFA identification number is allocated to the player. This number remains with the player throughout their football career, irrespective of which club the player transfers to or form.

vii.            There are three (3) player categories. Each player will fall into one of these three categories:

a.             Players that were members of the Club last year and were registered with FFV.

b.             Players that were members of another club and were registered with FFV or an affiliated body.

c.             Players that were not members of any other clubs and were not registered with FFV or an affiliated body.

2.2.4.               Season Fixtures

i.              Team fixtures are issued prior to the commencement of the season by FFV.

ii.              The first fixture can usually be regarded as a draft.

iii.             Some clubs invariably withdraw some of their teams from competition, resulting in FFV having to re-issue fixtures.

2.2.5.   Team Uniforms

i.              All teams must wear approved and endorsed apparel as per FFV rules and regulations.

ii.              All shorts, socks and jumpers must have the approved FFV logo displayed upon each Item of apparel. If the player does not have the correct attire, then the player is unable to play on the day.

iii.             It is the responsibility of both the Team Manager and the Coach to ensure that this code is firmly adhered to. If not, a club faces a fine for misconduct.

2.2.6.               First Aid Kits

i.              Each team should be provided with a fully outfitted “First Aid Kit” by their club committee.

ii.              The Team Manager needs to maintain this kit and ensure that it is available for both training sessions and game day.

iii.             Legally, clubs are not permitted to offer anything more than the most basic treatment to an injured player. A cold compress (or a sponge and a bucket of water) is about all that can be applied. Players who are bleeding should not be allowed to remain on the pitch. If an injury is serious, the player should not be moved, and an ambulance called. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian or player (Seniors Only) to determine what treatment their child or they themselves should receive.

iv.             All team managers should fill out an “Injury Report” if a player is injured, this will be needed in the event there is an insurance claim. These should be kept with the club

2.2.7.   Fundraising

i.              It is important for the Team Manager to encourage parents and players to participate in as many fundraising activities as possible.

ii.              The more funds a club has, the better the facilities the Club can offer all families.

iii.             Any parents or players with fundraising ideas or offers of help should be directed to the committee or sub – committee for fundraising.

2.2.8.   Club Awards

i.              A club may have awards at the end of the season and as the Team Manager knows the team better than the club committee it should be up to the team manager to keep track of the players and their performance throughout the season.

ii.              If a club has not instituted any club awards below is a sample of what type of awards you can implement and how to go about voting:


a. Awards


Rooball:                   1. Player with Best Attitude (Parent Voting Selection)

2. Player with Best Skills (Parent Voting Selection)

3. Coaches Award (Coach Selection)

4. Most Improved Player (Team-Manager & Coach Selection)


Juniors:                    1. Player of the season (Parent Voting Selection)

                                2. Runner Up Player of the season (Parent Voting Selection)

3. Top goal scorer (Results from Matches)

4. Coaches Award (Coach Selection)


Seniors :                  1. Player of the season (Parent Voting Selection)

                                2. Runner Up Player of the season (Parent Voting Selection)

3. Top goal scorer (Results from Matches)

4. Coaches Award (Coach Selection)

5. Players Player Award (Players Selection)

NOTE: Leading Goal scorer is generally 5 or more goals. If not another coach elected award can be used

2.2.9.   Assigning Votes

One way of assigning votes would be to:

i.              One parent at each game (juniors) and three separate individuals (Seniors) are to be asked to fill in a form detailing the players they saw earning 3,2 and 1 votes for best, second and third best on ground respectively.

ii.              The players’ names and strip numbers are to be written on the voting slip.

iii.             The Team Manager is to collect the voting slips after the game and insert the three slips into an envelope and seal it. On the front of the envelope should be written the date of the game, opposition team and the score.

iv.             To ensure that voting is unbiased and consistent throughout the year, the voting task should be rotated amongst all the parents or available spectators providing votes.

v.             Team Managers (Juniors) and Club Secretary (Seniors) are to have custody of the votes cast.

2.2.10.Vote Counting

i.              How each team counts the votes is purely up to the team, Team Manager and Coach.

However, as a suggestion, a “Brownlow” style of count is the most exciting method.

ii.              The Team Manager along with the club should arrange a gathering at the Club to read out the votes, however this may not suit all teams and they may consider holding the vote count on the same night as another age group. This topic should be discussed during the course of the season.

2.2.11.             Presentation Night/Day

The Club usually circulates details of a “Presentation Night” to be held at the end of the season. Once this has been organised, the Team Manager needs to advise all the parents of this event in ample time so they can make arrangements to attend.

2.3.                  Training Nights

2.3.1.               Equipment

All equipment that is required for the teams training session and games needs to be prepared by the Team Manager prior to the session or game.

2.3.2.   Confirmation of Weekend Match

1.             During the season, team managers should expect the unexpected. Opposition teams may request a deferment of a game or a team may not be able to field a side. It is good practice to hand out a confirmation of the weekend’s game to each player. Furthermore, this is a good opportunity to hand out any club-related material circulated from time to time.

2.             When it is the club’s “Home Game”, it is the responsibility of the opposing team to telephone and confirm these details with the Club Secretary. If details are altered for whatever reason, players and parents must be informed immediately and directly.

3.             When it is the club’s “Away Game”, it is the Team Managers responsibility, to contact the opposing team seventy-two (72) hours prior to the scheduled “Away Game” kick-off time to ensure that all details, such as kick-off time and venue are confirmed as per the fixture. Even with the advent of fixtures published via the internet, it is still necessary to ring and confirm match details with the opposition.

4.             Once fixtures are announced the team manager should also check on the BASL website at the beginning of the season what colour the opposition team wears for matches. It is the responsibility of the “Away” team to provide an alternate strip if the colours of the two teams clash.

2.4.                  Game Days

2.4.1.   Half Time Refreshments

i.              The game of football is a strenuous, energetic and vigorous sport. For players to maintain their energy for the entire game, it is strongly recommended that half-time refreshments be provide and that players have a water-bottle available,

ii.              Traditionally, many sports provide oranges cut into quarters. It is up to each individual team on what refreshments players are provided at half-time. It is suggested that a roster arrangement of parents be established.

2.4.2.   Home Matches

i.              If the club has not allocated a grounds manager then it is normally the Team Manager’s responsibility to set-up the ground prior to the commencement of play.

ii.              A roster should be set up for parents to assist the Team Manager with the set up of the ground.

iii.             As a rule, Team Manager’s should be at the ground at least one hour prior to kick-off, ready for rostered parents to start marking the ground and hang the goal nets in readiness for the day.

iv.             Obviously, these duties shall be more applicable to those teams whom are scheduled to commence early in the morning. However, all Team Manager’s are responsible to perform and achieve duties which have been scheduled for their respective age group.

v.             The Team Manager needs to conscript player’s parents to assist and support not only their respective age group, but also the Club in general otherwise it will be the same parents helping every week and the team manager may end up doing everything themselves Drawing up a parents’ roster may assist in conveying the teams and the clubs expectations.

vi.             If the Team Manager is the last to leave, they need to ensure that both Change Rooms and Store Room are anything else that has been used is properly locked and that all items are put away.

2.4.3.   Team Sheets

The following shall only apply to junior teams under 11 and above:

i.              A club shall supply every Team Manager with an FFV “Team Sheet” book.

ii.              Once the game has finished, the Team Manager and the match official will sign the Team sheet and the match official will keep the original (Seniors) and the Team Manager (Juniors). The duplicate “Team Sheet” is given to the opposition’s team manager and the triplicate is retained in the book. The team manager should check the scores on the team sheet before signing as match officials can sometimes make an error in completing the score.

2.4.4.   Match Ball

i.              t is the responsibility of the home side to provide the “Match Ball” for the game.

ii.              All Team Managers should be supplied with two Match Balls. One Match Ball is to be kept as a spare, in the event that the original Match Ball be lost or damaged. However, both Match Balls are to be on the field whilst the game is in progress.

iii.             The Team Manager must ensure that the Match Balls be inflated to the recommended pressure before the commencement of the game, and that BOTH Match Balls are handed to the match official prior to the game for his/her approval.


2.4.5.   Match officials

The following shall only apply to junior teams under 11 and above:

i.              FFV/BASL aims for all junior matches are to be allocated match officials. However, there is no guarantee that a match official will attend every match.

ii.              In the event that an appointed match official fails to attend it is the Team Manager’s

responsibility to appoint a match official for the match. The Team Manager should, if possible, at the beginning of the season, ask parents or other club members for a commitment in performing match official duties if a match official fails to attend.

  1. In addition, each team will need to allocate an assistant match official for the game.


All match officials supply their own linesmen flags; however in the event that the appointed match official does not bring his own flags, the home side is responsible for providing the flags. . Also it may be wise to have access to a whistle, in the event that the appointed match official fails to attend.

2.4.6.   Notifying the Club of Match Results

i. It is the responsibility of the Team Manager to notify the Club, email or fax (via a match report), all game results.   This is normally to the person responsible for notification to the paper and the person who is responsible for the club website.

2.4.8.   Notifying the BASL of Match Results

i.              It is the responsibility of the Team Manager (Juniors) on behalf of the Club to notify BASL of all “Home” game results. This can be fax, mail or dropping white copies of the sheets in the box at 85 Wills St Bendigo.   (Currently to clubs junior co-ordinator collects all home teamsheets for submission on behalf on the club)


For Senior Home games the referee will present the white copies of the sheets to BASL; however BASL Media reports are required by 7.30pm on the Sunday. Currently this is done by the club Secretary.


2.5.                  Club Room Duties (HOME MATCHES ONLY)

i.              As a Team Manager it is your obligation to ensure that parents’ are actively included and involved in the upkeep and maintenance of the Club and its amenities and facilities.

ii.              In particular, the status, conditions and service provided by the Club plays an important and significant role towards the competency and capability of clubs as a whole.

iii.             Parent participation is strongly encouraged in supporting and assisting in the running of club and its amenities in its entirety. Hence, by introducing a “Parent Roster Schedule” it can be ensured that the standard of facilities are sustained and that all club members can fully benefit from this undertaking not only as parents’ by also as proud Club members.


3,                 Ground Marshal Duties


The grounds marshal is a necessary part of match day.   They are the recognised person for anyone to go to for information and assistance.   They are also responsible for ensuring match officials are escorted to and from the field of play.  


As well they are responsible for ensuring spectators stay behind designated areas, that technical areas only have the allowable people within them and for escorting players from the field of play resulting from a Red Card back to be change rooms.

4.                Other Match Day Roles


As well as coaches/team managers and players the following tasks are needed on match days

4.1       Ground Set Up

The setting up on the ground is the responsibility of the first team playing on the ground for the day.   (i.e. if the Under 13 team is the first team playing on the assigned ground is the team manager’s responsibility to ensure the ground is set up for play.   This could involve the assistance of parents, players and other club officials)

4.2       Ground Packing Up

As with the setting up of the ground the last team to play on the ground for the day is responsible for the packing up and putting away of all equipment.

4.3       Linesman

All games in the league rely on volunteers for the enjoyment of the teams, clubs and everyone involved.   Each team is required to provide a linesman to assist the referee in the controlling on a game.   The linesman will be responsible to all duties on running the line including in’s and out, off-sides, handballs and other possible infringements, however the central referee will have the final decision.

Create A Team App Account.

Stack Team App is a platform that allows teams and social groups to improve communication by creating their own smartphone app.

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