Wet weather info
In the event of Wet Weather game cancellations please call the following numbers, if the games are being played in:-
Newcastle Football Association - Ph 1900 920 286 (After 7.30am)
Macquarie Football Association - Ph 1900 920 223 (After 7.30am)
Hunter Valley Football Association - Ph 1900 962 015 (After 7.30am)
(Call cost $0.60 per minute - Telads) (Higher cost applies from Mobile and Payphones)
Note: for Zone Football League, times differ.
Ph 1900 920 219 (After 9.15am) for weekend games;
5pm on weekday fixtures.
(Call cost $0.60 per minute - Telads) (Higher cost applies from Mobile and Payphones)
Once this information is placed on the 1900 wet weather lines it will be placed on the Newcastle Football website (see link below) as soon as possible, however the telephone is the primary system for call outs and delays
in posting on the web may occur.