The Rambler Football Club Committee welcome you to the home of the Mighty Roosters!!!
As licensees of the Bar and Clubrooms we look forward to providing a fun, safe and enjoyable facility.
In effort to promote the safe and responsible service of alcohol we respectfully remind members and guests that
- alcohol will not be served or consumed by persons under 18 years
- if asked proof of age required; either driver’s licence, proof of age or keypass card
- alcohol must not be brought onto or taken from the premises
- alcohol will not be served to any person who is intoxicated or drunk, disorderly or offensive
- if patron becomes intoxicated and not putting others at risk with their behaviour they will provided with water and offered options for safe transport home
- alcohol won as prizes on function nights must not be consumed on premises
- unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated (see separate policy)
Our club license requires that all patrons have safely left the premises by 1 am and to help facilitate this please note
- persons under 18 required to leave by 12 midnight
- music will be turned off and lights turned up at 12.30 am
- last drinks will be called for at 12.30 am with bell or siren
- bar will be closed at 12.45 am
- patrons begin exiting building from 12.45 am
The Committee welcome any feedback and suggestions and thankyou for your patronage.
Go the Mighty Roosters!!!!